
You seem to be conflating two separate issues. It’s an error to dismiss the importance of motives (they are often, if not always, the most important thing in moral and ethical terms) and it is also an error to make unreasonable assumptions regarding a persons motives.

She was taking out a loan to pay for a degree in nutrition. It is at least possible that she brought it up as an answer to a direct question.

As many vegans in this comment section have been quick to say... you shouldn’t, like, generalize man.

They said they “think” that “many people” go vegan for superficial reasons. It may be a generalization, but it seems like a fairly safe one.

Yeah, I mean... who cares about motives?!

I mean... who would expect a vegan to be able to muster the energy to try to force anyone to do anything?!

There is a Vegan market in downtown Portland that I’ve gone by a few times that has a neon sign that reads “We’re Open” with a neon “SORRY” right above it that intermittently blinks on and off (like its going out).

I feel like we’re approaching the point where developers of AAA titles aimed at mid-to-high-end gaming PCs should stop being overly concerned with accommodating the quirks of aging mechanical drives; particularly if it actually means moving forward (technologically). That being said... if it’s an issue that they can

Now that it’s February 2019 and Anthem players need to wait for a day-one patch to fix critical game-breaking issues, those EA executive comments sure are fascinating.

There is no (good) excuse for a several minute delta between SSD and HDD load times. Bioware’s own admission that they have a “day one fix” in the works clearly implies it is a problem with the game.

What I couldn’t get over is that the positive PR and goodwill has been raining down on him, but just about everything he’s said in the wake of the attack has struck me as extremely defensive. I want to believe that the twist in this story is some bullshit smokescreen from the (well-known-to-be-corrupt) Chicago PD, but

Scary stuff, but the AHA cautions that the study only points to observational connections between diet drinks and these outcomes, not a causal relationship

People forgot how much of our society is built on an assumed equivalency between the value of your life and your labor.

...choose to focus more...

You could boil everything you just said down to, “he left his dog to a neglectful person”.

You should not attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity (Hanlons Razor).

If a nebulous condemnation of homosexuality equates to telling people who they are allowed to fuck, then condemnation of a specific church must equate to telling people what churches they aren’t allowed to go to.

It’s not that they think people are sinful... they think everyone is sinful (that is kind of the whole deal in Christianity)... it’s that they think being gay is sinful. Chris Pratt is accepted in a different way because he can move on from his sin... you can’t move on from who you are.

I mean... I kinda/sorta get the

Wasn’t that his wife’s dog? I mean... I’m not 100% sure they were even living together at the time. Farris said she re-homed the dog some time after their son was born (allergies?) and the dogs new family lost track of him... she failed to properly investigate the new home and she forgot/failed to inform the shelter
