South Carolina certainly didn’t feel this interested in standing for the US flag a little over 150 years ago.
South Carolina certainly didn’t feel this interested in standing for the US flag a little over 150 years ago.
Fun fact, if you combine their names, it would be Thixers, which is how Michael Strahan pronounces the name Sixers.
i can’t help but think that Russell Westbrook answers the question “what if Steve Smith had played basketball instead of football?”
I think this is good fun beef. It helps that Westbrook is a crazy person.
Golfers have clubs. Douchebags who shout have skulls.
I think I see a solution here.
It’s not like I give a shit about tiger or golf for that matter, but I’d love to see one of these ex-frat boy fools that are compelled to yell at golf tournaments just get the shit stomped out of him one day. Just have the whole gallery commence to stomping a mud hole in his ass. Man, that would be a golf tournament…
Idiot. You’re supposed to yell “NOONAN!” at that point in his swing.
Goddamn fan. If anything, we know that it was getting in the holes all these years that ruined Tiger’s game in the first place.
Good thing this was on the green. Tiger already has enough issues with distracted driving
Nothing like getting served, pestered by Sherrifs & taken to court over a Will that myself and my sisters are not only 100% excluded from but do not even have any interest in contesting in the first place.
This is a really bad look for Sager, so I guess he really did die as he lived.
Sager family at the courthouse:
Non story. The only reason she was spotted under a highway underpass was simply because she was trying to get an interview with Johnny Manziel.
your take is bad and you should feel bad
If the Seahawks do get blown up, it will definitely be an inside job utilizing a controlled explosion.
me texting at the 2-minute warning: “I can’t believe I’m here rooting for Andy fucking Dalton”
me yelling at TV 1 minute later: “YOU BEAUTIFUL FUCKING GINGER PRINCE!!!”
Sean McDermott always knew that a white quarterback would get the Bills to the playoffs.
And the Browns take their rightful spot on top of the NFL playoff drought mantle.