I wonder what George's cheeks taste like. He is so nom-nommy. Plus those eyebrows - teh cuteness.
I wonder what George's cheeks taste like. He is so nom-nommy. Plus those eyebrows - teh cuteness.
This is a crime against her beauty and her natural born ability to look consistently pretty and fresh in every damn photo of her that I have ever seen. Either she truly likes this or was too polite to tell that SOB of a painter to fuck off/start over.
Does that woman EVER take a bad picture?! I have a friend who looks EXACTLY THE SAME in every shot - she's so incredibly and consistently photogenic that it's almost eerie.
I like it as is because the 'rents were totally unaware at that the time that they baby and dog have not bought into their shtick.
Besides the obvious "blergh" reaction, I kept staring at this thinking, "Why are they in a very sparsely stocked baby boutique?" It took me awhile to grasp that this might be their home nursery. Or maybe it's a "stunt nursery" for the shoot. Either way, kinda austere.
I spent eight hours at the YSL show. I actually had breakfast lunch and dinner at the museum. Looked at every design thrice over, watched two videos twice, back to back. For some and many reasons, this man's story and creativity really inspire me. What he did for women in the 70s, paralleling and maybe even in part…
No. As in, "No, I haven't seen them" and "No. Just, no."
I saw this on LATFH a few years ago, so I think: Advantage, pedo-looking dude.
OMG reading lyrics from wood pulp. Jesus. Someone should tell her this is not a thing ... fuck, who am I kidding ...
I didn't watch but did she say to use plenty of moisturizer all over, cover face all over lightly with foundation, and just lightly spot cover any blemishes with a bit of concealer a teeny bit darker than your foundation (ie, don't use something light that will cause the eye to see the raised area of any blemish)? Cuz…
OMG I just watched her smoky eye for hooded eye tutorial. So amazing. I love how makeup artists make things look so easy. Her voice is like buttah, too.
This is EXACTLY my morning. I use the SAME products, same brands. Lolling at the make up brush flotsam - yep - and the master class behavior of NOT opening the mouth when applying mascara - nope, can't do it, don't know why I do it, want to know why I do it. Plus, jeez, she is over the top gorgeous.
I'm 5'7", weigh 150, wear size 8 skinny jeans and size medium tops, and have a much appreciated hip/waist ratio (by me and my lovahs) ... and had some dookiestain in a car at an intersection yell at me as I dashed in the crosswalk for the yellow light, "Hey fatso, hurry up!"
Raises drowsy hand.
No, it does not make your face red. With the older formula my doctor prescribed, it's "base" state was a caucasian(!) flesh color that you could tint with a vial of colorant to match your skin tone. I did not use it because I am a super whitey. It was also a wee bit drying, so I used a teeny amount in day, and a more…
I totally get it. I have had rosacea all of my life. Some periods are worse than others. From ages 19 - 39 I pretty much had continual painful flare ups. One particular episode was so bad I was going to the doctor every other day for steroid injections in my face. I was so covered in lesions, swollen, and red, that…
I would be wary of any kind of laser treatment on your face. I assume it goes well for many people, but there are scores of others who have been permanently damaged by FDA approved lasers. The FDA essentially has stated that since the devices have been approved, the manufacturers cannot be sued. And doctor's will not…
She made it sound like she grew another toe or something! I mean, if it was that awkward for her to discuss, why bring it up at all? If she wanted to warn girls and women about the effects of wearing ill fitting shoes all of the time, she could have been more general. As it as, she made it sound like some weird…
Was it, like, sticking ... which way? That sounds painful and scary.