Yes, thank you I know. It was a joke.
Well chivalry is based on honor and loyalty yes there are some bad parts but nothing's perfect note I did say 'good parts' anyways it was meant to be a light hearted comment.
No, no, no... don't fuck this guy.
Our culture lacks decency. I say bring back chivalry at least the good parts where men were expected to have some manners in public.
my cunt would never do something so vile. please don't associate cunts with this vile jerk.
I think it falls in the realm of men who cat call or strangers who walk up and tell you how much they'd "love to pound [you] in the ass" or whatever. It's sexual, and it's a consent issue. I think "sexual consent" has been too attached to rape. When someone I don't know pretends to fake-grope me or tries to get an…
Because he's filming them and putting them in a humiliating position (the joke being Haha look I'm fake-boning this chick and she doesn't even realise!)
How about because he is filming them and then putting it on the Internet for 4 million people to watch? Come on. Consent is a major issue here.
How do you say douche in French? Oh wait...
What the actual fuck? This is not even in the realm of funny, unless you are a 14 year old boy maybe. Disgusting.
I remember when I was in middle school, girls were reprimanded for wearing tank tops. It was also cited as "too distracting for the boys." Same kind of deal for these girls wearing leggings. Girls' bodies are policed because of boys' bad behaviour, which is such a lame excuse to ban certain clothing from public…
Since when does it take a particle physicist to avoid ordering smoked fish and then getting pissed off when you're given smoked fish? You're not "holding the mirror up" and you haven't spoken any hard truths. You're concern trolling, and being ridiculous even by concern troll standards.
If people serving food are so brilliant why aren't they splitting atoms or something?
OH MY GOD. That's incredible! Thank you for sharing.
jesus. I tried to put false eyelashes on last night. I looked like an abandoned doll.
Lupo seems to me to be thinking, "Well...can't eat it...seems nice...let it live."
"This is your life. This is your LIFEEEEEEEEEEE."