Top tip: Stop buying Subarus until they get desperate for sales and figure their shit out. Right now they’re very Honda/Nissan, and need to be more Mazda/Suzuki.
Top tip: Stop buying Subarus until they get desperate for sales and figure their shit out. Right now they’re very Honda/Nissan, and need to be more Mazda/Suzuki.
Anyway, if you do wind up getting this thing, I’d strongly suggest opting out of that piece of wraparound cladding strip that runs along the car’s bottom. It’s busy-looking and tacky.
They’re extremely inconsistent actually. They stated the Chrysler 200 as slow and lethargic. They then stated the Subaru Impreza was not fast, but moved well under it’s own power and never seemed to need more power. But the 200 is faster than the Subaru, they even provided data showing that. They also have the…
My definition of “defensive driving” is to just assume that everyone else on the road is going to do the stupidest thing they could possibly do. I’m rarely taken by surprise.
Good lord that’s beautiful.
Car confession- for some strange reason, part of me just loves it when I get behind the wheel of a car, and within the first 2 mins of driving it, I can tell that I just fucking hate everything about it. It’s just, kinda great to hate shitty vehicles.
$4000 = 1 used car + 1 used road bike + 1 used mountain bike + REAL FUCKING LEG MUSCLES
I do not look forward to a future of honking at Lexus RX450hs autonomously filling up the left lane of I94 headed out of Chicago doing 55 mph. I do, however, look forward to angrily downshifting to 3rd and overtaking those fuckers until they make manual driving illegal.
Gas? Not much.
Future Jalopnik-Amazon Post blog post:
But them moving should have no bearing on you whatsoever. Now, if the Saskatoon Farm Scythes move west to become the Lloydminster Lumberjacks, I would understand. (Plus, who do those border straddling Lloydminsterites think they are, anyways?)
If Canadian pricing is any indication, the V6 AWD Stinger will be priced from $38K US. Which is 28% less than the Q60 Sport AWD ($50k US).
when it’s trash day and the dump closes in 5 minutes
Biggest problem of the Stinger is the Kia badge.
And KFC.
SUV = heavy-duty wagon designed for off-road, towing, carrying heavy loads etc.
The hinged windshield could be great for those rugged excursions to soccer practice. Tilt it forward for an unobstructed view of Madison and Jacob out there on the field as you sit in car and sip your latte, avoiding that other mom who is constantly on your ass because you bought non-organic postgame treats when it…
Our cars are actually flood rated. They contain so much plastic, they actually float.
Back when he was still with the Eagles (maybe 08 or 09), I ran into Andy Reid at Home Depot once. He was incredibly nice. It was in early September and the Eagles were getting ready to start the season. There is a Home Depot in South Philly. About 2 miles from the Linc. He is pretty easy to spot. So I went over…