
Dammit I snort-laughed at the headline and now everyone at work is looking at me funny. Great work, Justin.

I also moved to All Weather tires two seasons ago. A good compromise between A/S and Winters, at least in my corner of Canada. On my next ride though, I’ll be getting dedicated Summer performance tires and winters rather than half-assing it.

Great looking ride! I too am curious to compare the G70 and the Stinger, but I think the Stinger will win on account of being larger with more space, which I sadly need.

I can see around a Camry in my sedan, I can’t see around a fucking Highlander and I refuse to participate in the current vehicle arms race where you buy the biggest thing you can (sorta) afford. It’s self interest on my part.

Maybe if it was photographed in front of a Nordstrom’s I’d believe it.

Same, I’m hoping to test drive one soon - they’re starting to show up on dealer lots here in Canada.

V60's are made in Belgium and Sweden I believe.

I like that tier of cars, but dammit I wish they were more inspiring. Need more near-luxury cars with sporting ambitions (Mazda’s still a few years away yet)

“Granted, you’ll have to wait in line at the service desk behind the woman with the rusty Sentra, which is why some buyers are happy to pay the premium.”

Wouldn’t logic dictate that dwindling market share = less R&D dollars to make it better? Once you’ve have less sedan choice, you basically have a oligopoly, which means they can get away with selling shit to sedan loyalists. It’d be the (sedan) malaise era all over again, while BMW dumps money into the X6 or whatever

Kind of like this thing.
It’s like the Baja and an Avalanche had a one night stand.

It’s so bad, and i know i’m going to get dinged on my trade for how marred the paint is. Hopefully a firm buff/detail will even it out a little.

It’s so bad, and i know i’m going to get dinged on my trade for how marred the paint is. Hopefully a firm buff/detail will even it out a little.

As an Impreza owner - 100% agree.

I’ve also read that Mazda has trash paint like Subaru, as in, every little scratch shows up. I swear I’ve seen my Impreza scratch on account of a falling leaf..

Yep, this all checks out. He’s like the Ted Cruz of Canada, no one likes him, but the lemmings will vote for party over the man.

Would you prefer another version of silver?

Not surprising. You know what the best selling vehicles in Canada are?

Give it 200 HP and I’d probably be in one. The current numbers make me sad.

When I want something new.