
My next car will probably be a hatch, but I’ve also got mad love for sport backs recently, and there are some fine examples coming to market in the new A5, Arteon, Buick Regal etc.

I would 100% pay to sit in the Judge’s Chambers. So obnoxious - it looks like fun.

“Being Swedish, we didn’t want to shout about the record”

For your stupidity Jack, I sentence you to a lifetime* of having to answer to Mark Davis.

The CTV in my Impreza is so bad I’ll probably row my own gears for as long as I can, even if that means buying stripper models or cars that may not be my first choice.

“ We were waiting in the lobby and three of the salesmen at different times “tripped” and threw their coffee at us.”

But the Winnipeg Victorias did three times in 1896, 1901 and 1902.

I live in Alberta and drive home to Winnipeg. Every Canadian will tell you the answer to this is Saskatchewan. Always Saskatchewan.

I had a m8 try to explain the rules to me one drunken evening and she didn’t take, this will be much more hopefully. Good on ya.

There will come a time when you have to pay a premium to keep this shit out of your car I reckon.

Fields is looking to the future, whereas the board and investors just want their stake to pay off now, or in the near-now.

If I had one vehicular nemesis it would be that Infiniti QX70 or whatever it’s called: you know the one - the bulbous tank with a face only a mother could love? One pulled out in front of me from a side street on an icy day causing me to run up on the boulevard. The oblivious twat drove off. Hate that car.  

For example, at the new BMW plant where the 3 Series will be built, workers are set to start at about $1.10 per hour.

A neighbour has one of these sitting along side his house - don’t think it runs but it was registered as recently as 3 years ago. It’s a shit bucket right now but fascinates me still, and I often daydream about how much it would cost to purchase it and restore it to former glory.

True, but i would like my next car to feel nice inside.

“No, we don’t import those, but have you seen the new X6? It’s just as sporty!”

The last few times I’ve rented a car I’ve been handed the keys to an Altima and it’s pretty much cemented the fact that I will likely never buy any Nissan.

I was there last night and it was goddamn embarrassment.

I’m genuinely shocked and a little appalled that Gord is a fan of the Bruins. I thought they were all die-hard Leafs fans (which, as a Habs fan, I gave them a pass on, but Boston is tougher to swallow.)

Bruins, and all New England sports teams in general, don’t deserve a break. The sooner this insufferable bunch is bounced the better.