
4th Gear: Why would anyone want to buy a shitbagged Nissan Rogue that used to violated daily as a rental?

I love the look of the old boxy GLK’s. Would consider one if it wasn’t more or less useless in most situations with respect to cargo and passenger room.

Air France did this to me on a flight to Europe and reimbursed me the cost of my upgrade when they let all others sit where they pleased. I had to ask for it though and it took 2 months.

Whenever anyone tells me about their SUV - usually a Nissan Rogue or similar - I always go out of my way to correct them and call it a crossover.

Agree - i like the how the Tiguan looks but the Atlas just looks slightly off to me.

We know better, but I’m sure the majority of car buyers out there think that VW = something, something GERMAN ENGINEERING AND RELIABILITY.

The only thing that’s hollow is that chick in the Kia commercial’s head.

The timing belt went in my ‘87 Reliant K just as I was ascending an overpass. Eventually the momentum stopped and there I was, perched for all to see at the apex of this bridge in my shitty, grey 5-speed. Luckily for me it was a Sunday.

No biggie, just trade it and roll that negative equity in to a brand new finance deal on a 96 month term. Problem solved.

Correction - you’re more than a quarter of the way into your journey, that is, if you anticipate on driving it home from Moab.

I sure hope you’re right. That said, Buick has been crushing it that area the last little while, so I’m hoping for the best.

Dang, you’re right.

It still might - the Euro-spec Opel variant has the rear wiper on the sportback according to a video review I saw the other day.

This is how I feel about my top-trim Impreza from 2012. Man, I can’t believe I was so blinded to that when I bought it.

I love the new regal, but I’m slightly concerned about the reliability of a GM car being built in Germany, almost sounds like it could be the worst of both worlds scenario. But damn, they pretty.

The first rule of shower beers is no glass, man.

Thank you for unearthing this gem. What a moment.

I hate this weasel - he perfectly encapsulates why i despise the bruins with the power of 1000 burning suns.

I’ve worked in union and non-union environments and I generally don’t care for them, but this is beyond all that - it’s just indecent and exploitive.

What a fucking horror show. Thanks to right-to-work laws all manufacturing could be like this. People losing limbs for $10/hr - is that Making America Great Again?