
We on this site represent the rational car buyer.

Heard not until late summer. It’s auto show debut is in New York on the 15th if I read correctly. Sorry!

Can I get it without the plastic? Or at least, with body colour plastic ala the allroad?

Very intrigued by this car. Love me a sportback that hopefully won’t be A5 money.

Yep, I’m considering this option as well, but not too many CPO’s out there - would have to purchase new.

It is very likely that the new Regal wagon will be my next car, so long as they don’t jack it up and put stupid cladding on it.

Own one and I paid even more for it with Canadian exchange. Should never need another bag with this one. I continue to support the company by doing their events and buying apparel and such.

Own one and I paid even more for it with Canadian exchange. Should never need another bag with this one. I continue

damn you both! came here to post this. left.. unsatisfied.

No V60?

Thanks, good to know. The issue has yet to rear it’s ugly head with me, but it’s always in the back of my mind. You could be right about the birthplaces of that year. I swore I heard somewhere that beginning with the 2012MY redesign the Canadian-spec cars still came from Japan while US-spec were being produced

I also have a 2012 Impreza sitting around 50K (kilometres) and am worried about this issue. Was yours built in Japan or Indiana? Also, were there any warning signs other than excessive oil consumption?

Thanks for including the gnar drift vidya.

Came here to post this. Was not disappointed.

This is pretty much the limit in all of Canada and we’re doing alright.

So Trump wants to export more American cars, but can’t if their emission standards are too lax, which he also wants.

Probably. Too many Letter+Number combos to keep straight. The X1 looks larger than the Q3, or, it’s at least longer. The Q3 is actually an egg.

My friend has one of these. It’s... fine.

I’m in Canada and would almost consider importing one before they disappear. Fortunately there are lot of low-milage examples not far from the border, but that exchange rate is going to need to come up before I can start seriously looking.

I could not find one in the continental U.S., no. Guess you’ll just have to splurge. Cheapest I could find was for around 28K, but I reckon with some haggling you could knock a few grand off.

Now playing

Dennis Leary made this point like 20 years ago: