
I seriously doubt that “Rose was a total asshole who never really cared about anyone really” is actually going to be the final conclusion they’re going for, especially not on THIS show.

Oh, and i’d guess other gems aren’t like that “inside”. There’s a throwaway line about how Pearls are built to “look good and hold your stuff”, and since (as far as i can remember?) none of the other gems have pulled actual physical objects out of their gem that weren’t their weapons, it might just be Pearls that have

Now. Aside from all the questions this brings up surrounding the actual identity of Rose Quartz, here’s what I’m wondering: when and why did Rose/Pink stop loving Pearl the way Pearl loved her? Was it ever an equal relationship? Seems obvious that Rose leaned heavily on their love and ability to live freely together

A whole damn lot to unpack, and I want to rewatch both episodes. But at this moment I want to point out that the episode did a nice, subtle job of explaining where Pearl’s habit of wide-eyed, hands-over-mouth panic response to dangerous questions originated.

Really glad to see Garnet have an issue with something again. As the, uh, most balanced Gem, she sometimes is so cool and aloof that one can’t quite relate to her the same way one can relate to Amethyst or Pearl, who both have big human frailties the audience can see their own in. Here Garnet is having both a crisis

Garnet taking over The Big Donut and quitting as soon as it bored her was just perfect. Also happy she kept the one-eyed kitten. Fingers crossed for future Lion/Cat Steven adventures!

Oooh, now I get it. Cat Stephen(s). On behalf of Slow Pun Getters Nonymous, I thank you.

- I love seeing more sides to Garnet.

they kept the kitten!!!

Similarly, I love how they poke fun at the psychic powers plot device with Padparadscha and her “just happened” sight (which actually serves some use in the last episode!).

Sweet episode. Greg taking the group under his wing is so perfect - I had forgotten that Buck took guitar lessons from him. And kudos to Barb for learning to give Sadie some space.

I don’t have it in front of me, but the first thing I noticed about G-g-g-ghost is that the chorus is in a 10/8 (or similarly uncommon) timescale.

struck me as more of a sanitized-for-kids-TV version of the cramps or the misfits, but maybe my punk roots just want it to be edgier than it is. there’s no lack of brilliance, though. sadie killer and the suspects are fucking badass. (PS - there was a popular punk band from my area called The Suspects back when i was

Nice to see Sadie Killer and the Suspects going places. Well, one place but it’s a big get. (As is Joan Jett in a cameo role.)

I love a townie episode, and this was not an exception. Steven Universe’s willingness to show change and growth is a real strength. a lesser show would’ve kept Lars and Sadie bickering in the donut shop forever, perhaps become a couple in some shoehorned 2 episode arc during the last season. this is a show that’s not

Considering the huge surprise success of the Steven Universe soundtrack album, a Suspects virtual band album probably isn’t a complete impossibility...

Okay, but that was legitimately great staging those kids were doing. Most bands in TV or film tend to have pretty predictable acts because they’re usually meant to parody a specific real genre or group.

“The old Sadie can’t come to the phone right now. Why? ‘Cause she’s dead!”

I really like the new Sadie.