
- Amazing new Lars!!...Ugh, old petty Lars...Okay, new Lars again.

What interesting to me is that this episode shows the Diamonds to not really be being of co-equal stature but instead, at least amongst each other, hierarchical in a way that seems to mirror family. Pink Diamond seems to be the “youngest child” of the bunch and this makes me wonder whether the attitude is simply one

I never bought the theory that Yellow did it, and I think she got so mad in The Trial because she’s wasn’t willing to accept the idea that she was duped too.

I thought 7 was just because Steven had been in a Gem moon control tower before (the one on Earth’s Moon, they’re basically laid out the same way).

And Pink Diamond’s gem IS on the Dollar.

The only one I’d wrestle you over at this point is #1. There’s so much dream logic to cut through with character representations in that sequence that I’d take the relative sizes thing with a pinch of salt.

I know the grades mean nothing, I know that it’s subjective, and I know that the alphabet is a human conceit where specific order is arbitrary, and mathematical functions are agreed-upon stand-ins that only apply as a collective understanding. But oh my gosh, does it feel like the letter grades given here deserve to

I know everyone says Rose is Pink Diamond has been debunked but the crewniverse works in mysterious ways and like....

Man, I’ve recently realized how much I miss a lot of the commentors that used to be in these reviews that aren’t here anymore. Especially now that this special reveals that Earth IS NOT the only place with non-Gem lifeforms. BRING ON THE SNAKE PEOPLE! Ronaldo must continue to be right!

Harlock, Thurm! Not Char. Harlock is a good guy, Char is a sociopath. We want Lars to be A., not B.

i dunno. i think it’s okay to judge terribleness on a scale relative to a character’s power. Kevin doesn’t really have the option to commit genocide. he uses what power he has to be a dick to as many people as possible, though. he is fairly high on the “leveraging one’s available resources to be terrible” scale.

I just want to gush about how cute Connie looks with her new haircut.

I wish I had noticed this, but someone else out in Facebook land pointed this out: With Sadie now a rock singer and Lars a pink space rebel, the two of them have become a gender swapped recapitulation of Rose and Greg. Nice one, Crewniverse.

I liked that one of the band names listed in Sadie Killer was “Seven Force” which is one of the bosses from the Sega Genesis game “Gunstar Heroes”.

Aww, look at you, making merry!

You don’t seem like you make things very merry at all.

The proper send off for Adventure Time would be a marathon of every episode, leading up to the finale. Sadly that will not happen.
Hell they barely even made a big thing about the Regular Show finale and that show was almost as popular at it’s height as AT.

Damn, CN really sucks when it comes to its scheduling.

*GASP* Thank you! I never would have known!