
Connie’s stance on this even earned Steven a bit of side-eye from Lion. Lion! Jeez, when you’ve lost your pet lion... And Steven’s little bit after they left, ‘Oh Steven, that was so brave’ etc.

The second episode is entirely Steven-as-adolescent, rather than Steven as his little boy exterior. I like its breaking of cliche. Some people criticize the use of media as distancing, but to teen Steven it’s all about the person (not) on the end of the line. And teenagers are shown as mostly disengaged from family,

I very much appreciate the show taking the time to work through the emotional ramifications of Steven’s actions, but I don’t buy for a second his turning into Amelia Bedelia when Connie talks about how she’s “hurt.” It’s very hard to get invested in an emotional journey, no matter how well written, when the inciting


The parallels between the mayoral race, where a competent woman loses to a buffoonish man, are unfortunate.

From what I understand, it was either this week or last that CN aired Teen Titans Go! 300 times in a week.

Felt a little wistful as I wondered whether this would be the last fun NEPTR moment, the last Finn scream, etc. Wikipedia only lists one episode after these four (airdate TBA), which is not nearly enough. Lots to enjoy last night, though. I’m looking forward to learning how Gumbald came back.

My DVR is set to record this so I’ve at least got it. But yeah I had no idea it was on. I would have liked to watch it last night.

Of fucking course Cartoon Network would dump these new episodes back to back on a Sunday night and not even bother to remind us. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t end up advertising the series finale next year in favor of another goddamn promo for a new ‘Teen Titans Go!’ episode.

I think it’s important to note that creating subservient, stupid, happy candy people was her uncle’s idea. It was also his idea to create a big candy city. So, even though she knew he was bad, she decided his plan was a good idea.