
I won’t lie, when her initial wishes didn’t work, I thought it was because she wasn’t wording them in such a way that the crown could screw her over, monkey’s-paw-style.  Then I remembered that the crown does truly want to help its wearers, it just does so with an extremely simplistic viewpoint... and enough power to

And so ends what has become easily my favorite TV show of all time. This show started when I was fresh on my own out of college. I may not have grown up with the show like its ostensible target demographic, but I have definitely changed along with Finn over the years. Enough so that the visual image of Finn burying

I guess I was just thinking of Garnet’s story from “Your Mother and Mine”. Her story seemed to imply that Rose was born on Earth, and that fact alone made her different enough to rebel. I don’t know if not towing Homeworld’s line automatically makes a Gem defective (outside of Jasper’s insult to Pearl), but presumably

I feel Thurm’s frustration in wanting some more depth for Lapis’ character arc, but my affection for her was still enough for me to get a lot out of “Can’t Go Back”. I’ve heard clips of Jennifer Paz singing before, but she really knocked it out of the park with “That Distant Shore”. The music team is stellar as

At least from the way Pearl emphasized that she *could* not tell Steven what happened, rather than “didn’t want to”, it seemed to suggest that Pearl, perhaps even all Pearls, are designed to be incapable of disobeying an order from their owner. Like a built-in geas, anything Rose would have asked of Pearl would be

I appreciate all the Townie-focused episodes lately, but dealing with them has inevitably left me missing the Gems, chiefly Pearl. Seeing her unintentionally heckling the Beach City Laughguard and interacting with her Pizza counterpart neatly remedied that. Also, Jamie might want to stick to plays and leave the comedy

I’ve developed a pretty strong aversion to future sight and other psychic powers that are too often used as spackle for a plot, but Garnet’s future vision is a welcome aversion. I loved seeing how Garnet has to actively interact with her powers, rather than just getting answers delivered to her with no effort.

Neither can the old Lars, though in a more literal sense.

Now playing

Way back in the day, I was rooting for one the Diamonds to be voiced by Lita Ford, but Joan Jett as Greg’s old music world buddy is good enough for me.

I have to say, I was not a big fan of “Lars of the Stars”. Lars’ transformation into uber-competent space pirate that runs rings around Homeworld is far too abrupt, even considering him finding his courage in “Wanted”. It also exacerbates the issue of killing any credible threat that Homeworld might pose, seeing as

“Working Dead” was the Kate Micucci musical performance I’ve been waiting for since she first appeared in the show. “Haven’t You Noticed I’m a Star” was alright for what it was, but it was clearly meant as a parody of mindless bubblegum pop, while this song had a lot more going for it musically. I noticed that “Sadie

“He’s sucking up all the spilled time!”
“That doesn’t sound very scientific.”

Full points to Grace Rolek for her voice work in “Dewey Wins”. She captured that mixture of resentment and relief very well in her parting dialog to Steven. I’m happy to see the show giving the conflict between Steven and Connie room to breathe, as their relationship is easily one of the best written in any show I’ve

A little bit of his act feels like willful ignorance. He seems to be trying to play the Sapphire role in this argument, moving past the issue without recognizing the scope of the emotional damage he’s done. It’s certainly less emotionally savvy than he usually is, but part of it does feel purposeful on his part.

I believe it was the week they premiered “The Night Begins to Shine” special. I like TTG too, but if you air more episodes of a show in a week than have been produced, you’re going waaaay overboard.

It is disheartening to see what was once the network’s flagship show getting burned off with no advertisement. In a weird way, it does help ease the pain of the show ending by seeing how poorly it’s being treated by CN.

As much as it pains me that this is the final season of Adventure Time, so far it’s off to a great start. Every episode so far has been furiously checking off items from my bucket list for ending such an expansive show. One more Huntress Wizard episode, one more BMO-focused episode, a Flame Princess episode, and some

She really is the lynchpin for so many characters' stories. She's one of Marcy's most complex relationships, the focal point of the Ice King's obsession (and perhaps his best chance at salvation), and the princess that Finn just can't seem to help but champion. It's no wonder her presence is so easily felt even when

Little moments like that remind me of why PB is my favorite character, and that I've missed her this season.

I guessed the guy at the end was Martin, ascended to a higher plane of existence. Since he failed so miserably at being a father to Finn, I was guessing he wanted to try again with Fern.