
Vuvuzelas have been used for good exactly once in recorded history. There was a rhythm game a few years back that would change all the music to vuvuzela noises if it detected the game was pirated.

Our FInn has beaten him personally on Ooo, Farmworld, and the Citadel. Your interpretation is a good one too.

Even with this Lich Wallmaster defeated, it's just a reminder that other Lich hands are running rampant through the multiverse as well. It feels weird to say the Lich is getting character development, but I like what they did to justify the simplicity of his motives here. While everyone else in Ooo has to wrestle

First episode of this week, with a little help from Jermaine.

You also have to look really hard to find any advertising for new AT episodes at all. I wouldn't have known about Elements at all were it not for perusing my DVR schedule. It's disheartening to see what was one the channel's flagship show put out to pasture in such a way.

My biggest takeaway from this episode is that the Ice King is becoming less of a recluse in the land of Ooo, all thanks to his Fionna and Cake works. He's gone from kidnapping Finn, Jake, and assorted princesses to use as a captive audience to having people come to his readings of their own volition. It neatly

Still not over the Tables episode, are you?

And lo and behold, they are both weird and sad!

I don't really accept it as canon since, if it were to be confirmed, I'd much rather see it in the show proper instead of mentioned outside the confines of the show, Dumbledore-style. In a more practical sense, this show has pulled the rug out from under shippers so many times, anything anyone would say could easily

Greetings, time traveler! If you went back in time and high-fived yourself, would you explode like in Time Cop?

6 months in show time = nearly two years in real time. Remember when we could safely assume that Finn aged in real time?

How I missed Jake.

One thing I appreciated about Elements is that it brought back some of the simpler character interactions from the earlier seasons. I appreciate conversations like Jake and Jermaine's tonight, but Finn and Jake's barbershop therapy in Elements is one of the most charming things I've seen from this show in a while.

PB stayed good to her word on those medals for James. He used them to line the edges of his tent.

Hynden Walch did play Harley in the Assault on Arkham animated movie, so I'm still counting it.

Starfire and General Zod go to Wrestlemania and get married. Groundhog Day truly is the gift that keeps on giving.

On the subject of weird attention to background details, I saw the third Mummy movie with a friend of mine who pointed out two Chinese zombies way in the background of the final battle. One accidentally chops the other's head off, then returns it to him, complete with apology in perfect Mandarin. The rest of that

Have they learned nothing from "Room for Ruby"? The nice Rubies in the squad are the raging psychopaths.

It was definitely a kangaroo court, but I again interpreted that as her wanting to speed along what she assumed was a foregone conclusion.

Imagine watching it over the course of a month with a weekly schedule.