
Pretty sure this guy made all of these purchases a while ago.

you want the NSX to look like a Geo Metro???

My buddy and I live in San Diego. The only dealer he could find last year that had the exact Tacoma TRD he wanted was in... South Carolina. He set up the deal over the phone, flew to SC and drove the truck back to California.

It’s a 12-year old GM crossover with 89k miles on it. This guy is delusional.

This article clearly was not for you.

..and they bury themselves so their carcasses and bones can never be found.

His Kinja handle is “Simplify, then add beer,” what did you expect?

Looks like current or former military, based on the shirt and haircut, so... this makes more sense now.

It looks like he’s wearing a military issued t-shirt, so that would explain A LOT.

Just follow the smell of Crayons.

In addition to the cost of human lives, many vintage, irreplaceable aircraft have also been lost forever. Just a waste all around. 

Then you should probably see a doctor.

I would have thought the 3 days of cramps and heinous farts...

So the logo itself is the same, they just changed the chrome to white. Got it.

If the Dodge Charger EV is any indication, “engine” sound won’t be a problem.

Is there ever going to come a point where we collectively get over the whole “not a real Mustang” thing or are we just going to keep holding on to the “good old days” forever?

Only three Barchettas were ever made, which explains the $17.5 million price. And one of them was infamously crashed!

Lol, I love how you people think there are cartels and murderous homeless people wandering the streets. You can have your blizzards, pre-diabetes, unemployment, unattractive women, and living in a $100k house because you live in a $50k neighborhood where families go to shopping malls for vacation.

They are weirdly-looking unattractive people.

This is not even remotely unique to Los Angeles or even southern California. Any region that goes months between precipitation is going to have a larger build up of dirt and oils on the road surface that become a nightmare when it first rains.