
I’ve gotta say, I admire the hell out of the man. To be that dumbfoundingly lucky at the lottery and amass an incredible collection of cars and not self-destruct on coke and actually put them to use instead of treating them as 1:1 scale models kept in luxurious DAMN!

Edwin, I may be your long lost cousin,

Maybe a stupid question, but why didn’t she report it stolen immediately. Because they in fact did steal it from her!

This is just theft, followed by sale of stolen goods.  The dealership owner ought to be sitting in a prison cell by now.  

How is this not theft? If I did this to a neighbor and their lawnmower I would be in prison within 3 days.

No offense, but your sample size of one is about as ludicrous an argument as Bradley’s that racers shouldn’t be riding. Riding certainly can be dangerous.

I’ve ridden and raced mountain bikes for coming up on 2 decades and while I have thousands of trouble-free miles, I also had one crash which left me with 4 broken

Well my Spidey sense is tingling....

I was really hoping this was about Alito.

Of all the things annoying about this guy, it’s the ‘nice try Buttercup’ that gets me the most.  May your CT be plagued by all of the common issues

It’s an auto so it’s not all that special when it comes to F31s, the G80 style bumper is horrid, it’s tuned and has emissions equipment deleted so it won’t pass smog. And for 25k you can easily get a 335 or 340i with a manual. Those are much more enjoyable cars although you’ll have to live without the estate car

I saw a brief video (bodycam) where he said he’s made about $750,000 from his social media and I’m sure that was only going up exponentially. If all he had to do was pay 10% of that, there’d be no reason for him to stop. It seems like social media has found some giant loophole where the biggest assholes get the

If you really want to hurt him, make him watch but not film...

This guy has been claiming that his social media income paid for the car. He also told police when he was ticketed that he was going to keep on doing it because he was making so much money. He’s an absolute ass.

Loud pipes raise hives!

I don’t understand - shouldn’t he have been applauded as a hero, due to all of the lives his loud pipes saved?

Social media is his income. He probably makes enough in views that the fines won’t deter him.

Take his license, crush his car and make him watch.

It helps that he’s not really all that talented.

While Canapino and other drivers aren’t responsible for some of their fans’ despicable behavior, they should step up and call it out.

It’s almost like misfortunes can strike in a split second and leave you needing something more than bootstraps to get back on your feet.