
Florida is the Sunshine State. California is the Golden State.

I’d recommend a used Panamera GTS. Twin turbo 4L V8 should satisfy the need for speed. Upwards of 460HP will get the blood flowing.

I hope Air Traffic Control will be safer than Full Self-driving.

I recently saw a Porsche Macan in Provence. I’m not usually into purple (if this counts), but I liked it.

False. The answer is wagon. Fight me!

$50,000 will be the base price. Tack on another $5,000 – $30,000 for options.

I thought I saw a pelican flying low too!

Aussies have mastered cursing as well. Check out Dashcam Owners Australia on YT for some laughs.


Looks like a BMW X6 with that “coupe” hump in the back. The sharp angles are interesting though.

I think we all know it commie lib conspiracy.

Uhhh... are those charred body parts on the tarp in the lede photo?

The worker was quoted as saying, “Whoopsie.”

I’m sure the Spicy Tape Challenge on TikTok is right around the corner now...

Don’t buy a car you can’t afford to maintain.

My wife is also a woman. Glad to know there’s another guy out there like me. /s

How long until this starts mowing down crowds leaving Cars & Coffee?

A modern classic, but that price is too high. ND.