
The seats....but why?

10 year old??? Try yesterday year old. Sincerely, former owner...

That’s pretty impressive with a 9mm pistol and a moving target at 75 feet.

This one actually *was* on BaT.

Low hanging fruit would be to compare it to a certain automaker.

Coulda been worse I guess...

Nothing Boomer here. Boomers keep their Vettes stock and pristine. Maybe chrome wheels (in a stock style) or a slightly louder exhaust, or occasionally that dumb fake wood stuck on in the cabin. But not this.

Look, Corvettes are without question boomertastic.
However this screams ghetto, not boomer.

I foresee “McAfee antivirus and firewall upgrades” as being the new add-on charges to go with doc fees, nitrogen-filled tires, and regional advertising.

Spencer sounds like exactly the type of nightmare-person who uses “summer” as a verb.

Your CT does not believe in hesitation. Your CT believes that real leaders make bold decisions and move forward. Your CT believes in you. As a result, the accelerator may or may not disengage when the brake is depressed if your CT believes that stopping will leave you short of achieving your full potential.

See, he hasn’t learned yet that the job of the cops is to enforce the law for the Rich not against them. He hasn’t learned how to be a happy little stormtrooper yet. He’ll be fired soon enough if he doesn’t though.

I, for one, take a really positive message away from this heart-warming story. *This* is what happens when you try turning off and on again *before* calling the IT Helpdesk and whining at them that you’ve already tried ‘everything’, knowing that you haven’t done a darn thing.

Benjamin Hylander

My only complaint is that she hit the wrong thing. Dude should have caught the hammer with his front teeth.

Could drinking 32 oz of coffee possibly contribute to why this dude is constantly at Rage DEFCON 1?  Good grief that’s a bit too much stimulation.

Bit of an escalation, but I ain’t mad at her.

They really are excellent, especially in person. Saw one the other day and I absolutely did the stare back as I walked past.

The mindset that insists on things like this is beyond seeking ostentatious displays of wealth. It’s obscene, vulgar even. There’s a part of me that’s genuinely sad, that so much wealth can be hoarded by a single human.

“Justed kill me now”... fix it for yous.