thank you. Hillary has never been a leader in her life, just a cult of personality with elitist worshipping synchophants.
thank you. Hillary has never been a leader in her life, just a cult of personality with elitist worshipping synchophants.
Starring in “the emoji movie” should be a crime.
This movie could be released today without modification.
She refused to acknowledge the damage wrought by her husband’s legacy, a legacy she stood behind. NAFTA, mass incarceration, and de regulation of wall street. The neo liberal triangulation is an utter failure and she just stood there and proclaimed “America is already great.”
At least he is honest in his wretchedness, rather than smug condescension. “I’m the smart one, listen to your betters unwashed masses,” was the mantra of her two failed campaigns.
She is leading the resistance, eh? I don’t recall seeing her at the women’s march or anything besides peddling her “it’s not my fault” book.
Just because she has experience does not make it good experience. She told Africa it should just get over colonialism, that is vile.
She has done so much for women and children, like welfare reform and mass incarceration. Or how about those women in children in Iraq and Libya, they have never been better.
You are defending one of the most famous establishment dems whom at this very moment is giving confidence to the former hand picked Koch congressman. How does the kool aid taste?
“Let me know when those national opinion polls help him win a real election.”
HRC is such a patriot. She spends her time throwing anyone who didn’t vote for under the bus. Or her patriotic moments of supporting mass incarceration and Henry Kissinger.
She has never met a foreign intervention she hasn’t wanted to embroil the USA in. No, HRC, your vote for Iraq was not a mistake, it was your ideology in action.
She doesn’t have the privilege? Pardon me? The ardent defenders of her majesty around here always scream at me that she is now a private citizen, free to do what she wants. She has every right to tell Pompeo to fall down a flight of stairs, just like she does every time she makes a public appearance.
Our view is lower tax rates, particularly business, create incentives to invest in work ethic and pick up productivity and wages.”
I chuckle at the “deep and detailed” bit. Some low budget meme’s counts as the highest form of espionage ever for old Chucky.
Of course firing Comey was a good decision to him. Precious baby Ivanka and “one of the good ones” Jared told him to do it. As much as I detest those smug trust found imbeciles I hope they stay around to keep advising daddy to do one politically disastrous thing after another. It’s not like they have real careers to…
Everything Trump touches dies.
His son- in- law is competent, ditto children.
This will not end well. No matter how much self care I may practice, I’m just waiting for the anvil to drop. John Bolton may foam the runway sooner rather than later.