I fully believe something far worse will be headed down the pike post-45. For smarter people than he are taking notes and waiting in the wings.
I fully believe something far worse will be headed down the pike post-45. For smarter people than he are taking notes and waiting in the wings.
I’m thankful to Trump for exposing Christianity for what it has always been in America.
GOP does not believe in service, they adhere to domination only.
ex-Attorney General Eric Holder returned to his massive corporate law firm, which kept his office empty for him during his stint in the Justice Department, to resume making millions of dollars working at a firm specializing in white collar defense for banks.
Double damnation: black and mentally challenged. It will take a generation at least to dissociate in the popular imagination that mentally impaired people are prone to violence. I know whom is sick in the head and prone to acts of violence, it is the police!
I love cocaine.
These people aren’t going to grasp the simple fact that Trump’s entire life trajectory is a complete refutation of meritocracy and the American dream.
The morning after the 2016 election the Jehovah’s Witness lobby decided to pick the exact wrong time to try to convert me. After screaming at them to get the hell off my property they haven’t been back.
The Trump family ain’t no germophobes, that is for sure.
Baseless smears. Debate 101: when you have resorted to that, you are losing.
I never said he would win.
If that were true he would have run as an independent, and HRC would have lost to the senile game show host by an even wider margin. He cast the deciding vote for her at the convention. IT IS NEVER ENOUGH FOR YOU! Trump is not the only politician who could shoot someone on fifth avenue and never lose any supporters.
She is glorious in many ways! A true comrade.
I voted for Hillary Clinton.
The great abiding myth of capitalism: we are just following the natural order. The same excuse was used for slavery. Try harder.
Michael Moore! Poor guy has been out in front trying to do something about all this BS for so long, I can completely understand. It feels like Fahrenheit 9/11 came out fifty years ago.
Yes! I mean Bernie talked about poverty; gross and boring!
You will only accept what you define on your terms is a “witch hunt.”