A Classy Thomas Newman score

It is a great place to solicit a sex worker.

As a gay man I don’t like the toxic masculinity, but I like the but touching. So foootbaw makes me horny and angry.

Are they going to ask to see Gisele Bundchen’s papers?

And the corporate media is loving the misdirection. Rachel Maddow has lost her marbles for goodness sakes.

The russian interference narrative is just desperate posturing to try to rewrite history by people who can’t face that their precious hero was widely hated.

That’s what will fix democracy; less democracy; war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.

They make it through because they are the tea party 2.0 It is an endless barrage of, the time has come to bomb Russia for denying queen Hillary her birthright, absolute fealty to failed neo liberal politics and so forth.

And what of others directly suffering under a lesser evil, I guess their struggles and feelings mean nothing.

I find supernatural GIF’s insufferable. FYI, telling others to fall in line and do as told is fascism, you are the tea party 2.0 #resisters.

I hope everyone involved in this gets E coli.

Careful Nolan, Bezos is a hero of the #resistance. What would we do without wine mom’s on Twitter screaming that the Post is going to bring him down any day?

It gets better.

America is fucked, if that’s what you are asking.

“Takes alot of money to acid wash Ivanka’s emails people; believe me.”

You are obsessed with Bernie, you always bring it back to him, jealous the kids like him better?

That is the neo-liberal ethos, “We radically advocate for nothing in particular.”

I remember in the email leaks Colin Powell whining how HRC had cleaned out a university with her insane speaking fees and he would have trouble getting the same rate. That is what bi partisanship looks like: fleecing the rubes that the “leadership” has something to share with them

People also get tired of patronizing people, who won’t be affected either way, and browbeat others with, “vote for the lesser of two evils,” as if this will help to lead to some far less evil choice and somehow, the choices just get worse and worse. But what would I know, I’m just Putin’s bot. Also, if you believe in

Republicans do not care about history. They just care about power.

Gird you loins and call on the champions of the #resistance like war criminal David Frum to scream on Twitter. And accomplish absolutely nothing.