A Classy Thomas Newman score

It’s coal you grab by the pussy.

I mean she was so formidable she couldn’t beat a political unknown with the middle name Hussein and then, couldn’t beat a senile game show host. Might as well fail again. And for your information, I’m pulling for Tulsi Gabbard whom I’m sure you centrist derangement syndrome has convinced is the devil.

He reminds me of Liza Minnelli on Family Guy, “Momma, do you love me? DO YOU?”

I love you.

Actually, people shit on both of them repeatedly. Ditto for John McCain and Mitt Romney.

You damn well don’t know that she won’t. I wouldn’t put it past her; she believes she was robbed of her birthright.

I will never getting blown out by a senile game show host and neither should you.

Pod Save America sucks.

centrists democrats care about moral superiority. They refuse to listen to their base, and wonder why they lose election after election.

I would love to see the immigrants that keep this ungrateful country well fed and are abused in the shadows, but best keep that unsavory aspect of our nightmare capitalist system behind the curtain.

Kellyanne, you got very lucky; and anyone who wasn’t Hillary Clinton would have mopped the floor with you.

I mean Jeff Zucker is in charge.

The centrist apologist calls me cynical. ok.

Seymour Butts.

Ivanka, Ivanka, Ivanka, Ivanka, Ivanka, Ivanka, Ivanka, and “dumb as bricks” Ivanka.

You just called our healthcare policy phenomenal. Were you born this way or our you willingly obtuse?

“Money doesn’t equate to happiness.”

That is a fake but.

According to the rubes in my local paper’s section for letters to the editor, the shift from draining the swamp to, “why don’t you appreciate the tax cut and all he is doing for the economy?” has been rather seamless.