A Classy Thomas Newman score

love love love Chloe Sevigny. Gurl, knocked the house down in “Big Love”

My favorite is screaming how unfair it is to Hillary that Al Gore was awarded an oscar while she is consistently criticized. Yes, you nitwits completely out of the blue Al Gore won an oscar, had nothing to do with a little film he made.

Love how you just make that leap. The awfulness of Clinton is its own subject that has nothing to do with Sanders.

There was plenty. When you lose on this big a stage we all get to endlessly talk about it, because guess what? YOU ARE LOSER.

The most loathsome aspect of those lanyard dispshits is how they constantly talk about how there are good republicans who can assist in taking out the gila monster. They should just do a “West Wing” viewing party and stop trying to ruin political discourse any further.  

FFS. I don’t know dems perhaps you could recall less than a year ago when the president’s followers killed a young woman marching against Nazis? But, no, double down on this story that means relatively nothing to anyone.

Ezra Klein, and the Pod Save America crew who continually gaslight for failed centrists is so god awful and dispiriting. You people are championing a politics that millions of people have walked away from for a senile game show host.

In 2013 they had someone else do it and it was a giant pool party. A very welcome change of pace. I remember Emma Stone was on the cover.

In addition to the Clinton’s direct part in shaping the Democratic Leadership Council to exclude labor groups, and women’s rights groups from democratic agenda setting. Such liberalism.

They can’t accept that this hapless politician that they have invested all their worth in has rightfully earned the legacy of screwing up the easiest election ever.

I love how the Hillary dead enders kept screaming that it was partly Susan Sarandon’s fault. It patently absurd that an election would swing on what one actress would say.

She sought advice from her husband and fundraiser Harvey Weinstein prior to making her decision.

but if nobody cared about Russia what on earth would Rachel Maddow scream about every night? The centrists who think they can take us to cold war 2.0 are tiresome.

Notice my words, “in this regard” to pretend that we wouldn’t be facing immense problems with Clinton is just as bad, and a stupid way to make yourself feel better.

Yes, they would. Republicans are carnivores, dems are vegans.

we are in the darkest timeline.

If Dems were disciplined they would hold a daily press conference calling for Trump to resign over sexual harassment. It would drive him nuts.

and Tom Cruise.

“It is my innate confidence that has permitted me to shamelessly promote The Secret, Dr. Oz, and Dr. Phil.”