A Classy Thomas Newman score

The Political Gabfest is very dull. ducks for cover.

You just need to microwave her for a few minutes.

a lid to every pot, as they say.

Does his immediate family have any inkling what a disgraceful sack of pureed carrots this man really is? I would chose to stick my head in the oven before standing publicly by this man if he were my father.

I thought that was dollar store Eva Peron’s job?

Hope Hicks. What does this devil spawn do?

The day he does die, there will be celebrations in the streets. Ditto for Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan.

But you see this one time Michelle Obama deplaned wearing shorts. hysterical screaming and crying in background as typed.

Read his Vanity Fair profile. He is a lifelong asocial monster.

Will Tom Cotton’s boyfriend please step forward?

Let us not forget the body count when she single handedly brought down Yugoslavia.

“I mean, like omg, it’s so hard, and rupolpho who does my extensions isin’t getting deported, so like, the good gays are staying, whatever” Dollar store Eva Peron.

Only if I set myself on fire at the end.

If only dollar store Eva Peron could get fired?!


I just fucking loathe Lindsey Graham. An absolute piece of shit.

“Well, why don’t you resign and move out?”

GOP: I’ve got mine, fuck you: BENGHAZI.


You are going to save us all. xoxoxo