A Classy Thomas Newman score

When all else fails blame HRC. I want to die.

It’s the white heterosexual male way. When all else fails, continue to fail upwards.

Lindsay Graham: This bill is just awful; I vote yes.

Several Obama aides confirmed Obama and Boehner respected each other deeply.

My mistake. My friend and I like to break out into a bellowing rendition of Nickleback’s “Photograph” when making fun of people’s personal propoganda pages aka Instagram.



I hope Boehner and Obama text each other about what a tool Ryan is all the time. I also imagine Boehner has no intention of sobering up anytime soon.

It’s time for universal health care you craven dipshit.

Chris Evans, please just bang me silly!

Thank you for your insights. I am twenty six, so I am just having the scales fall from my eyes. I was eighteen when Obama was elected and I deluded myself into thinking we were going on an inevitable course towards progress.

He should have known dollar store Eva Peron only has eyes for daddy.

You are spot on there. I am so sick of people trying to tell me everything will be alright, America is exceptional. No, America clearly is not. Nations and empires falter and fail. Although, according to some we just need to be in the cult of positive thinking and it will all just be peachy.

Are we going to survive this families reign of terror? Anyone who thinks confidently that we will is full of shit. Their is nothing they will not do to cling to their undeserved place of prominence. I am so scared.

Hey Ivanka, dimestore Eva Peron, just shut the fuck up already. We know that you just want to be daddies ideal woman; silent, brain dead, with store bought tits, ok?

“Bobby Mueller does not do impropriety, he does investigations.” Tim Weiner. His interview on Rachel Maddow was sublime.

That’s right! Kiss our asses Agent Orange, Mother Lover, Children of the Corn, and the rest of your cabinet of money grubbing black holes. WE FUCKING HATE YOU. Not my president!

Last night over well done steaks and chocolate cake he came up with a new concept of ‘living space.’