
Jumping at SHADOWS?!?!?!!!!

No. You’re a bad writer. And a bad person. 

You’re supposed to reserve before you get there, you know.


At some point, they do the math. It’s that simple.

All fun and games until carjackers start carrying axes

This is shit. Just absolute shit.

Paul judging American food is going to be a problem, he hates American flavor profiles. Anyone who despises the peanut butter & chocolate combination shouldn’t be a part of the US show!

I guarantee the pickup that got hit on landing saw the plane coming in, then sped up trying to close the gap so as to not let that guy get in the space in front of him

Disco Stu doesn’t need to advertise

Gotcha. Since it’s civil the only penalty is damages, right? So he can sue his lawyer for malpractice to maybe cover some of the damages he’s gonna get stuck with.

So now he gets off for inadequate counsel, correct?

My school science textbooks in the 1980s said the existence of other galaxies outside the Milky Way was still unproved/debated

The claim is she showed her script to someone, they showed it to Hulu, and then they think some Disney insider at Hulu gave it to ABC and “a few months later”, ABC was shooting the new show?

She was supposed to be in the run through December, but the initial reviews made her change to leaving in September, and now after another pass again she’s out by August 1. Ouch.

The obvious “10 out of eight” error is laughably bad, which means par for the course here, however, the typing out/spelling is the AP style I learned in journalism courses... spell out zero through nine and type out 10 and above ( Other reporting styles have the

Here the “no front plate” ticket is reduced to a $10 fine if you put one on after and have a cop verify it (a ‘fix-it ticket’). Meanwhile the fines from the automated cameras that only look at front plates are in the $400-$600 range. So I’d need to get cited for not having a plate 40 times to before it starts costing

My first day back, my boss asked me to update one of our reports. I printed it out and handed it to him.

It’s fine. But it’s also the reason Sean Connery quit acting.

There was a crash once where a pilot let his kids “fly” the plane, thinking the autopilot was on while they turned the wheel for fun. What he didn’t know was that the auto-pilot has an emergency-off feature, yanking the yoke abruptly will turn off the autopilot, the thinking being that there’s some danger being seen