
Yeah, this dude BEEN a fucking scumbag. Fuck him.

Gallo is a piece of shit. I really liked some of his music back in the early aughts, but it’s kinda hard to listen to without thinking about his reactionary politics and his generally creepy demeanor. 

if we wants to pretend he’s some John Cassavetes type 70s maverick director, he should try making something like Opening Night or A Woman Under the Influence instead

“Have you tried acting, dear boy? It’s less sociopathic.”

A development that no one saw coming except everyone.

He’s eligible for hundreds of millions of dollars in stock options if he can get stock prices high enough. So he has a vested interest in short-term moves to increase the company’s valuation. Although I guess announcing another merger hasn’t done that? 

I’m guessing Zaslav is enthusiastic for the merger because there’s something included in the agreement where he gets a few million for...something.

If I pretend to like Susie, Cathy will get jealous and ask me out. #business

I suddenly want to buy as much physical media as possible.

Zaslav: The first we need to do after the merger is remove all the Star Trek shows, all of Sheridan’s shows, and all those goddamed csi/ncis shows...

Wake me up when one of these mergers is good the customers or the product being produced instead of just being good for shareholders. Because literally nobody but shareholders should give two shits about a merger that only really benefits shareholders.

You've only got two political parties. Anything more than that is too complex. Two is enough.

Zaslav must be tripping over his own feet for a chance to remove "Star Trek" for a tax write off.


Hopefully it was a creative decision. If I’m watching a tv show, I enjoy it more if I know nobody fucked it.

Six seasons seems reasonable, really, for such a high concept. I thought season five was a bit weak (yet still terrific) and, anyway, shows don’t go on forever. Six is more than most shows get. That said, I am open to a Jackie Daytona spinoff.

This is a good run and I could sort of tell it might be winding down since Guillermo’s storyline essentially ended last season

From the BBC:

His lawyers aren’t comfortable with it, he means. Bringing it uptodate means potentially treading on the toes of people who are still alive and have their own lawyers. You couldn’t touch the whole Paul Burrell scandal, for a start. Which is a shame, because the guy is slimy as fuck and clearly had his own hand in

Remember when the first two seasons crafted such a dynamic relationship between the sisters? Remember when Margaret had storylines? I haven’t watched yet, does Margaret’s death in 2001 even get a mention?