
Ugh for real. Every season chocolate week has someone’s bake not setting, melting under the lights, and/or someone passing out. It’s unbelievable the show doesn’t have climate control in the tent. Especially for such a key week, when it’s consistently an unfair problem.

Right? Usually someone selling rights to their work will have some kind of exclusivity in the sale, or the buyer would insist on exclusive rights “worldwide, and in perpetuity”. 

Counterpoint: if he never releases it, he can just hold all that pre-order money indefinitely

It’s more like... people from the east coast come out to LA, think “I know how to drive in the rain just fine, these city people are idiots” then go out there and hydroplane on their first corner.

The point is new cars are too expensive to buy and too expensive to repair.

Yes. Space is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.

Worth month?

From what I remember, a human is in charge of those lights, who’s also pacing the host. You’re still in need of synching up with their guess.

This was the exact problem with Watson on Jeopardy... it could always buzz in first. They tried to make some kind of delay mechanism, but, it still beat human response times.

His status at the BBC is so high that he was the anchor pre-selected to be on duty the day the Queen died, because he was the only one with the gravitas to deliver the somber news to the nation. 

The second layer to this is that if the strike goes long enough to qualify as a “force majure”, Murphy and a lot of other big-name showrunner/creators who signed massive deals in the Peak TV era will have their contracts invalidated and potentially lose hundreds of millions of dollars.

Yes I can hear you Clem Fandango

Rumor is his set included some kind of ice-dancing routine that was rehearsed for months, but he changed his mind about including it a couple of hours before going on stage. He also decided that afternoon that he didn’t want it to be live-streamed. So they delay was caused by having to break down the ice set quickly,

Great way to hide money in a divorce. “Yeah, I withdrew $200,000 and sprinkled it along the highway. Prove that amount is wrong.”

Apparently driver did not have a permit nor license. 

Apparently CT has the same law. And this driver wasn’t licensed in the first place. 

It’s like that gear-in-concrete thing, all those reductions mean one end spins while the other never does

the classic Avatar, yet here we are

Love the reaction from his guitarist in the background, you can see him raising his arms in celebration when Harry fixes it

Yes exactly! No “mactors”, no famewhores doing the reality show circuit, just people who really, really want to play HARD and don’t mind getting DIRTY. I love it!