
“It’s good to be back!”

Will there be high winds? Matt Berry is one of England’s Greatest High Winds Actors. 

Why RUDY is awful: The “where are they now?” at the end shows that Rudy, who got to participate in just one play in his career, in garbage time in a meaningless game... goes on to become a motivational speaker, who spends the rest of his life reliving the “glory” of that one play. The guy was given ten seconds of pity

Let’s not forget Magnus intentionally draws classical Championship games to advance to tie-breaker “speed chess” he excels at. 

I had a problem with my smart-enabled Android TV, which was in the same room as my Google speaker: whenever I told the speaker to “Stop”, it paused what was playing on the TV, too. Even after disabling voice control on the TV it still happened because the speaker was on the same network as the TV.

Every person I know has been in a car accident at least once. Even if just a minor fender-bender tap. Everyone gets in one.

The tiebreaker is a form of speed chess. Carlsen, in the past, has intentionally drawn some winnable matches (winnable with much mental effort), in order to push into the speed chess he excels at more than his opponents. 

Indy was the first person to assemble the clues. First person to get the other knight’s shield and locate the starting point for the path to the canyon of the crescent moon.

The very first sentence, by God. This place needs an editor.

I’m so confused, isn’t renting implied already?

Why publish this? It’ll only make anti-vaxxers not get the jab. Let them think they can get it and then reverse it, win-win all around. 

This must be like Caddyshack for some people. I didn’t see it until I was in my 30s, in the 2000s, always heard how funny it was.

My money is on “tried to make dummy bullets at home by taking gunpowder out of real ones, lost track, and let one slip through”

The second encore was “Dead Man’s Party” with Oingo Boingo’s Steve Bartek on guitar, was pretty good. 

Moreover, the main issue with the mortgage-backed securities in 2008 was bundling them into CDOs, where 80% of the underlying securities were BBB rated but as a bundle they were scored AAA. When investors and pension funds that are normally only wanted top-rated bonds suddenly found the ones they had starting to go

Poor Lawrence must have been absent they day they taught school in school

Yeah I’ve seen plenty of movies where non-firing objects that look like guns are pointed at people. Be they plastic, or plugged, with fake muzzle flash added in post. Like, John Wick, for example.

Exactly, thanks

I’m not saying he’s the only person who should be checking, obviously. The Armorer, the AD, and the person handling the weapon should all be checking it together.

According to the affidavit, on previous days, Baldwin asked children to be removed from the set while guns were in use and asked people to move when they were in the gun’s path. I’m not saying he’s wholly responsible, nor even majority responsible. I’m just saying there’s A LOT of blame to be shared here among MANY