
Figured a hunting truck riddled with bullet holes was a good idea.

“Back in the canoe, we’re still 36.4 min from the other shore!”

Listen to how embiidered they are towards one another! Sounds like neither woke up on the whiteside of the bed.

So Rick and Marty superfans are on the #fakenews train?

His career certainly had a lot of ups and downs.

Spiritually exhausting indeed. I guess some of us are old enough, middle class and white enough to still cringe at the violation of American Civil Religion symbology. I don’t go to church much but my bible still sits on the good shelf. I think this mess is a farce but I would still take George W on an aircraft carrier

“And that’s why you never speak Ill of Hova.”

Some mouth breather in the SBNation comments section bestowed upon Mike Tomlin the “SHEEP” award, while Andrew Villanueva got himself the “EAGLES” award. That’s some grade-A shit. #whyistand

But that farmhouse shit (i.e. Matilda, Lolita) is/was chronic. If I am not mistaken that stuff and Bourbon County are the only ones still made up in the city. I think all the other ones are now made in one of those megalithic Anheuser facilities scattered along cornbelt interstates.

McMinnville was insane. I woke up late this morning because I run a bar and had a 14hr day yesterday. I walked outside at 9:45 and it felt like I was in a movie. Shadows crisp, colors weird. The corona was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

Throw a burnt orange toupée on a cue ball ass fraud, go 12 rounds, next thing you know you’re provoking a nuclear conflict with North Korea.

Absolutely, derivative as fuck. If Kinja was a Twilight novel I’d be ready to pen 50 Shades of Grey.

You must be fun at parties.

The world begins at a kitchen table. No matter what, we must eat to live.

You cretin.

Stevie Nicks the Dog waiting to get her hindquarters scratched.

“That’s on both sides. It’s just open communication.”

Nah, what’s pretty stupid is that a bunch of 20 and 30 something’s salivating over Sam Hinkie are the future of Socialism in the US, rather than some IBEW dude in a Mossy Oak cap.