
I can’t stop sobbing.

Maybe he thinks all R&B/hip hop artists’ names start with ‘J’.

So, wait a second, Trump and his supporters hate the whole “politically correct” thing, right? But kids need to be nicer to each other on the internet? So at what point does the “being nicer” kid have to be shut off to become the Trump-supporting, non-PC, “telling it like it is” adult?

Can all the women on here take a minute to get off their pedestal and actually acknowledge the fact that IT IS different to be a fucking mother. I’m not even saying that qualifies you more to be the president over a childfree person but it does give someone a set of skills they don’t otherwise have. And this goes for

The DNC is really doing everything it can to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

“Is butt stuff? Melania DOES NOT DO butt stuff. Is in contract.”

This election is the best argument there’s ever been for telling all children “no” loudly and often.

Dear Trump,

I love that the toddler dumping food on their head is what “sin passed down to all of us” looks like. Fucking Chick. RIP.

This... clears nothing up. Who is even talking in that second panel, the man or the dog on his shoulder?

I wouldn’t wish a dead dog on my worst enemy, and that includes Mike Pence. I’m glad his furbabybeagle had a long life and, unlike American women, was probably treated very respectfully by Pence.

“No teaching!”

Holy shit! That would have been horrible TV. It’s also an interesting connection in light of the fact that Trump chose Carlos Slim as the Mecican billionaire “responsible”, snort, for Trump’s groping women.

1. Good question

She’s been living in a white power world

someone needs to do a viral blackfish/making a murderer-type doc on these facilities that gets wide viewership. Or maybe there’s been one, I dunno, that needs more publicity. It’s only when the public gets emotionally invested and signs endless petitions that this shit changes.

As an immigration advocate, I can tell you that pressure works. Administration don’t want to look bad, they want to avoid negative press, and they want fundraising dollars. Votes are not the only incentive.

The people planning to vote for him(?)

Trump disparaging a former female Secretary of State?!?! I’m so shocked my cock just blew off, turned into a penis drill missle and burrowed itself deeply into my brain, killing me.