As the locals would say, he robbed them blind.
As the locals would say, he robbed them blind.
But don’t forget that he also said what she said before he said that he didn’t.
Can’t wait to see him walking from his limo to the courthouse, feigning a limp, using a cane, perhaps even the famous Cosby Sympathy Wheelchair.
I love how much I am getting to use this GIF :)
Who would have thought that People would not only be a source of legitimate journalism but would have an actual effect in this year’s election? 2016 is full of surprises.
I played sports in high school, and we did not talk that way about women in the locker room.
I loved how when Cooper asked him if he was a good role model for youth Baldwin just said “no, next question.” Proving that Fictional Trumps are smarter then the original is possible to be.
I’m honestly shocked he didn’t just split the difference and start calling him Uncle Ben.
Yeah, my husband and I were discussing this yesterday and we both agreed his thought process was like “He’s black. Uncle Tom is a black thing, right? Hey, Uncle Tom...”
“Get real. I’m made of steel. This is nothing. HI, GIRLS!” was my favorite line.
This was dead on. I especially loved the part with the black man, “Denzel,” in the audience and asking a question. “You know who else should be in jail? Hillary Clinton...she’s basically a black.”
Not on purpose, though.
Lil Jon confirmed reports that Donald Trump called him “Uncle Tom”
Agreed! I’m a staunch liberal democrat, but I do not want to live in a country in which the political parties are so polarized we can’t even talk to each other. This country was founded on compromise and we need to start working together. Its normal to have differing beliefs.
You know, I’m gonna say something I think we all need to remember. It’s good to have an adversary, and better to have a worthy one.
I don’t understand the attachment people have to political parties. Parties change. Platforms change. People change. There’s no reason you have to be unconditionally loyal to it if it sucks. It’s not a sports team. It’s just a fucking label.
This isn’t a GOP collapse - they will wash their hands of trump November 9th and America will let them
To be fair she was rather noisy and he was trying to catch some shut-eye between questions.
I honestly think he never gave a second thought to any of this before now, because he never considered that there was a possibility that these women might not have liked it before now.