It’s that perfect blend of internet-random, heartwarmingly supportive, and of course Babadook is fun to say and has lots of pun-tential (Babashook, serving Babalooks, etc.)
It’s that perfect blend of internet-random, heartwarmingly supportive, and of course Babadook is fun to say and has lots of pun-tential (Babashook, serving Babalooks, etc.)
This is the future that liberals want.
I just started following Chris Evans on Twitter, and he’s very progressive! He truly is Captain America.
I had the same thought, figured she was going for “cower to”? “Cow down” is some sub-Joey Tribbiani nonsense.
“Sorry—I live in a black neighborhood. I came here and didn’t see color.”
AGREED I effing haaaate that dumbass movie and could never understand my friend’s obsession with it in high school. Thought I’d escaped it when we split for college, but ALAS I went to Mount Holyoke, so guess what, like, everyone’s faaaaaaavorite lame ass movie was and oh also guess what you’re watching during…
Hot Taek: The original Dirty Dancing was garbage too.
Yeah but people feel like they “know” her. She’s less anonymous. It makes sense to focus your sympathy on someone that feels more tangible. People do it all the time. Do you really think that people saying pray for Ariana aren’t concerned with everyone else? I think a more generous reading is warranted.
I have had “Boobs in California” stuck in my head since Friday and I’m ok with that!
Community started around the same time as BBT, and I remember reading somewhere an assessment that Community was a show where the jokes are for nerds, and BBT was a show where the nerds are the joke. Obviously picking on the smart kid in class never gets less popular.
*Slowly raises hand* I actually legit like New Girl because it reflects L.A. in a surprisingly realistic way. Yeah, all those people would be living together since the rent is so god-damn high out here. The cast as wonderfully diverse as well without being self-conscious or “Very Special Episode” about it. They have…
Everyone I know who likes Big Bang is either a) over the age of 50 or b) someone who thinks they’re being totes edgy by dipping their toes into what they perceive as geek culture.
Well, at least they’ve made something worse than Big Bang Theory finally.
...Neither of them were dead in 2005...........
I watched it and honestly, thought it was so ugly and painful that I literally had to hold my hand over my eyes to cover the screen until the scene ended. It was not pretty, it was not glamorous and I honestly think that no matter how it was shown, some people would always find some fault in its portrayal.
“Is This What Parties Are Like Now?”