
at the end of the year, when the jezebel writers get to choose their favorite posts they’ve penned, this had better be bobby’s or something at jez will have gone horribly wrong.

omg can I just say how happy I am to have regular Pissing Contests again! These were actually the reason I started reading jez a few years ago.

thank you so much!

this is a totally weird question, but do you have an idea of where I could find those studies? I’m working on a research paper on media coverage in this election and something like that would be a huge help.

dude, what? this is so untrue that it makes me wonder about the state of your mental health (see, I can speculate wildly about health issues that aren’t any of my business too!). if you hate it here so much, why do you keep reading and commenting? you're bringing this website down and honestly you kinda suck.

this is like my worst nightmare. I don’t like salad bars, build your own burgers, or customizable pizzas for the same reason I’d hate this- it’s the chef’s goddamn job to know what tastes good together and I'm just not that smart. what if I pick something gross? there's way too much personal responsibility involved

clearly it’s “friends with bene-tits”


THANK YOU. 100% agreed! This comment section is really not what I expected. The gawker shut down seems to have had some unfortunate side effects.

well, if she had said “Caitlin Jenner is a bad, selfish person” that wouldn’t have reflected on “all trans people.” but since she said “Caitlin jenner’s gender identity is a lie and a publicity stunt,” that's pretty transphobic. how is that not clear?

I understand your point of view, and I usually really love your comments, but honestly I feel like you’re really missing the mark here. If someone said “Hillary Clinton is a lying cunt bitch,” you can’t just say that’s not a comment rooted in sexism in SOME way because it’s only about Hillary and no one said anything

yeah, and there was a way bigger controversy sometime last year (I think-the details are kinda fuzzy for me) where he was making fun of women complaining about street harassment and catcalling by citing like some one time he had been approached for being a celebrity and being like “it’s not THAT bad, you’re all so

I feel like I need to provide my defense of private schools because this comment thread is so overwhelmingly against them, to the point where it’s turning into the kind of parent policing I thought we all hated. I am probably a lot younger than most of the people here and so have much more recent first-hand experience

what movie is the header pic from?

I am close to him in age and disgustingly sexually attracted to him, but I also hate literally every word that comes out of his mouth :( help me

we read this in 11th grade AP English and I wrote a 10 page essay comparing the Republican Party to the theocracy of Gilead :)

this. so much this.

I don’t know what “video game journalism” is but I can almost guarantee it’s not as big a problem as you think it is

Uh, LAUSD just got a black, female, social-justice loving superintendent who I’ve personally spoke to- I can guarantee no racism there. It’s still one of the least equitable, most racially and socioeconomically divided school districts in the country, so I'm not sure your point stands.