
porn consumption rates are between 50% and 99% among men and 30% to 86% among women

In 2nd grade, I got kicked out of the classroom for talking and had to sit outside. What was supposed to be 5 minute punishment became 2 hours because my teacher forgot about me. When afternoon recess rolled around and she opened the door for the class to exit, she look down at me, startled, and asked why I didn’t

Reading that made me so sad.

let me say it again:

I’s no treatise on maxidresses...

A reasonably intelligent person can extrapolate the meaning of this quote based on context clues, i.e. just because something is legal doesn’t mean it is ethical.

I’d say this lady is dumb, but bigotry in general is based on a super shallow understanding of basic shit, so.

With those people I like to tell them the plots of my favorite 30 Rock episodes in excruciating detail.

Nah, definitely not a hate group. Clearly she wishes Hitler were here because she’d like to buy his watercolors or something.

Because of the constitutionally-protected rights to free speech and free association.

like, life is so short, why would you waste your time listening to taylor perry. isn’t that a singer? i’m not sure, i don’t really pay attention to that stuff.

I know way too many people like this.

I totally understand what you mean. I’m the kind of person who listens to NPR instead of Top 40, you know?

5 years into our relationship, on the verge of getting married (less than a month and a half away), my BF and I decided we needed to take a break. We loved each other ferociously, but there were aspects of our relationship that we both knew had to be fixed before we entered into marriage. Cheesy as it might sound, I

- Drake & Rihanna, the Broadway Musical (Lin-Manuel Miranda plays both parts)

And that right there is the problem. It’s not the minimum wage. It’s not offshoring of jobs.

“It should bother you because when you come into Pennington Quality Market your food is going to be in my stomach.”

It’s so heteronormative, it’s embarrassing. I should be in charge of Logo’s dating show department. Here are some of my ideas:

Yep, I think so.

Right? Look I feel bad for anyone losing their jobs and businesses in dying industries... but sorry, that concentrate crap is awful. Good riddance.