
just keeping it real...isn’t that what you want in a president? Someone who tells it like it is!


As much as I find the Dylann Roofs of this world reprehensible people not worthy of rights or freedoms, I cannot in any conscience support the concept of my government taking a life as punishment. The blood of Roof’s victims are on his hands. We do not need his blood on ours.

Nah, Pence couldn’t win, either. He’s like a three-day-old Romney donut that accidentally got left on the heater at the office, all withered and somehow even more colorless.

This coming from the man that wants to sue the press for saying anything remotely negative about him.

One of my biggest complaint of the DNC is making me like that “Fight Song.” I avoided it for so long. Now... ugh. I’m ashamed of myself.

Her gear is pretty boring in my opinion, but she is in a no win situation. If she tries to look super stylish she’ll be accused of being too worried about fashion to be taken seriously. If she tries to look “sexy”/ “young” there will be criticism about that. There’s literally nothing she can wear that won’t garner

“Imagine Trump’s legs,” would be my yawning response as I recused myself from her presence.

Last night, my own mother said aloud in my presence that Hillary Clinton never wears dresses because, “She has the ugliest legs. She has cankles.” Once I picked my jaw up off the floor, I told her that, fortunately, the attractiveness of one’s legs is not a trait I care about in my government leaders.

Agreed. With the caveat that while I’m pro-choice, choosing to abort out of desperation because of a lack of all the services and support you list is not really a choice. It seems like these pro-lifers want to put their emphasis on the demand side, not the supply side like Republicans do, and more power to them. I

I have a number of liberal friends who are anti abortion (due to religion, etc). The trick is: they personally do not think abortion is right, but they believe laws banning it are wrong. They believe that in order for them to maintain logical consistency while talking about disliking abortion, they also have to

I have a hard time reconciling their beliefs with women’s rights, but this is what pro-life efforts should look like. If you want to minimize the use of abortion, you have to build the education and support to do so, not just blame pregnant women for becoming pregnant.

My favorite are the ones who are like “well, I don’t want a Trump presidency, but if the Democrats can’t elect Hillary Clinton without people like me voting for her, then maybe they deserve this wake up call.” As though the election is decided by ething other than WHO GETS THE MOST FUCKING VOTES. It’s like if you’re

Ugh, one of the worst things about this cycle was hearing a bunch of people say, “I’m not sexist, I’d totally vote for Elizabeth Warren!”. But then as soon as she endorsed Hillary Clinton, she became the ultimate traitor and the devil reborn.

The thing is that everyone knows that he is just a pile of dirty laundry. He is a known racist and misogynist. It is well known that every company he touches goes bankrupt. He is openly batshit crazy. There is nothing to expose, and even if anything new came out, his fans would just find some excuse for it being OK.

Anna: add a “To” between “Russia” and “Spy” in your headline.

The notion that this asshole is fit to even stand on the same stage as Hillary Clinton is fucking absurd.

That’s the problem right there: we’ve done too good a job making women into presidents and now small boys don’t believe in themselves. That’s it.


If it’s sexist to vote for Hillary because she’s a woman, is it also demonist to vote for Trump because he’s literally Satan’s bunghole?