
I wanted to see Bernie win; I did not want to see his supporters boo and hiss their way through the convention and take away from what is without a doubt a historic moment. You guys, your issues are my issues - or are they? Because from where I’m standing Bernie’s done a great job of pushing those issues and now

Women and minorities have been dutifully pulling the lever for white men for decades (when they were allowed to at all) and you never heard from them even a fraction of the hysterics that Sanders supporters have been displaying during the DNC because they didn’t get their #1 choice.

To the diehard Bernie people crying in these comments and, according to my TV screen, literally crying at the convention:

Yayyyyy, Silvertiger!!!!!!! So glad your wait has paid off!!!!!! xoxo

This is what happens when Millennials are given a powerful blog

I’m excited, I don’t care what the haters say. I never thought in my life time I’d 1) see a black president 2) hopefully see a woman president. I’m stoked because that woman had to be made of motherfucking steal to deal with all the bullshit she’s had to deal with, and whether you call her shillary or Hillary she’s

I’m with her.

My grandmother was 89 when she passed away a month ago and in hospice at the end when she was starting to be pretty unaware and we knew it would be over soon we just went ahead and told her Hillary had been elected and my grandmother, the lifelong democrat who went back to college in her 40s, was so happy. So we need

... although I kind of get the feeling that Melania isn’t sharp enough to get that shade. She’s like looking around the room at the reactions of the staff and going “what? what did I miss?”

And Hillary Clinton has never quit on anything in her life.

I love that woman. I love her so much. She is elegant, smart, quick, hilarious, an amazing mother, a poised speaker. She has great kids and a certain Barack by her side in partnership through it all. She might be perfect.

“Republicans are pissed at the lack of visible American flags”

Welcome to ConBag, a daily roundup of gossip from the Republican National Convention, which we are attending for four very long days.

Was it just me, or did she look/sound a little emotional when she said the line about her daughters being able to take for granted that a woman could be president? I don’t know why, but I wasn’t expecting that from her. Not because I don’t think Michelle would care about big milestones in women’s achievement, but just

Funny how some self-professed progressives are going to “protest” the corrupt DNC by allowing their fellow women/minority citizens to experience the biggest setback to their constitutional rights in decades, if not centuries.

The Handmaid’s Tale, coming 2017

I have often found that people who say offensive shit then shout “freedom of speech!” Have no idea what it actually means. Just like they don’t get the whole book of Leviticus but quote it pretty regularly. Also they’ll never understand what it means if you try to explain it to them because they refuse to understand