
Wow-unbelievable story, yet your tale of acquiring the details is just as intriguing. Props for delivering this material with so much context.

I love the fact that B&N used to be the enemy and now they’re the underdog with Amazon and they’re being rooted for.

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. There are times when guns are right, and this, it would seem, is one.

If we had stricter gun laws this woman would still have been able to get a gun to protect herself. The point of gun control isn’t to take away guns. It’s to make it much more difficult for people who shouldn’t have them to get them. Gun control would also put limits on the types of guns that are available. No one

1.) I’m glad she shot him (I know that’s hypocritical as an empathetic eastern lib who hates guns. I don’t care.)

Another horrible logic I could see from the Trump campaign is their effort to paint Bill Clinton as a sexual predator rather than just the philanderer we all know he’s been. No one has ever been able to show that Bill’s done anything other than have consensual sex outside his marriage, but there have been repeated

This much is undisputed: Trump was friends with Epstein, claiming “he likes beautiful girls as much as I do, many of them on the younger side”. Trump frequented Epstein’s parties, which where notorious for wealthy men having sex with underage girls. This story is either credible because it’s exactly what you’d expect

Feelings breakdown:

Even if this story isn’t true, this man (a man who on several occasions waxed lyrical about how much he wants to bed his daughter, repeatedly expresses bigoted views about minorities, talks and acts like a neanderthal, among a host of other things) has garnered mass support from Americans. I mean completely setting

I tend to just wish people would realise that this racist orange asshole would make an awful president.

Unless enough other people feel that way and it suddenly does matter.

There are some Clinton supporters who are awful. Some Sanders supporters as well. Trump supporters are ... a lot worse.

It’s like no one knows how to read this morning.

My feelings on Scottish independence have done a complete 180 in the last 12 hours, which may be the fastest reversal I’ve ever managed.

“You’ve Just Voted to Leave the EU. You Won’t BELIEVE What Happens Next...”

Him x 17m right now.

“So, yeah, quite worried now.” I thought us Americans held the monopoly on stupidity.

its like when you were little and fighting with your brothers in the car on the way to see Tarzan and your mom said she would turn the car around if you didnt stop and you didn’t believe her so you kept fighting and then she did and your life flashed before your eyes.