
Ok ok ok ok that seems bad but has anybody found out if her skin was white as snow? Cause if so-I blame the liberal fairytale media for corrupting our middle aged adult pedophiles.

It was already mainstream in January. Are you talking about January of 2015? The soundtrack was released in September of last year... It sucks that you didn’t buy tickets buy you had a LOT of chances to do so...

Lin-Manual’s last day is also July 9 and he said he’d be involved in the taping, so I think Leslie is good!

One might even say he is inimitable, an original (if you will).

Obligatory “immigrants...we get the job done” to finish off that last sentence up there. #cantleavehamlyricshanging

Honestly, the US didn’t deserve the Obamas. The crap we put them through was shameless, and they handled it with such poise and grace. Also, yay, National Parks!

“What Slash is to guitar, sky ferreira is to looking hot”

Dudes: You can find a woman attractive without having to base her entire worth and value around that. Please try harder.

Um, as the proud owner of a vagina & a commited omnivore... fuck that. You don’t want to eat meat, fine, but don’t try to tell me it’s got anything to do with your genitals.

PETA is why I hate telling people I’m vegan.

That’s right chickens: PC culture is finally coming for you!

Next time I get take out, I’ll order a bucket of fried PETA President Ingrid Newkirk

Sigh. Now we’re being compared to chickens? Wut?

What if you’re both?

They are very efficient at making generally important / meaningful things (animal rights and welfare) seem completely stupid and ridiculous.

You guys like doing this in the comments of stories like this, and while I appreciate your ideological purity, I don’t legally get to call things rape when no one is, as yet, being charged with rape. The woman involved has said the encounters were consensual — although we can argue about that too, because, my God,

looking at Oakland rn like

I’m glad he’s getting out there. That was one of the creepier things about late 1990s/early 2000s pop music, the whole “public virginity pledge”. Remember when Miley Cyrus, the Jonas Bros, Jessica Simpson, and Britney Spears did them?

Depressed?? Being depressed after a breakup fucking sucks, but it’s normal. You eat too much ice cream, are maudlin around your friends, maybe have some ill advised hookups or drink too much, listen to sad songs on repeat, and you get. over. it.