
I didn’t even know what a “bezoar” was and I loved it.

And - and! - then he gave a speech at the United State of Women Summit where he called himself a feminist, quoted Shirley Chisholm and talked about the insane double standard women and girls of color face on regard to assertion, being called “angry”, etc!! And slut shaming was in there too! Senior Year Obama has HAD

Oh, snap! I'm standing up in my living room cheering right now.

Thoughts and Prayers = The loss of life is not as important as the second amendment or the money I get from the NRA. But I’ll pray for you.

Don’t tell this guy that he can’t be both gay and Latino:

Ok, who is going to tell Pete Sessions that there are people who are both gay and latino?

Seems important to note that his people noted that he was dumb and wrong about an hour later and that he’s not continuing to insist this, as much as he may prefer to.

Honestly, given his proclivities, the surgery necessary to give him the flexibility necessary to give himself literal blowjobs seems way less expensive and time-consuming than his current method of using a presidential run to give himself metaphorical blowies.

Donald Trump is truly evil.


Perhaps he should accept more congratulations on the white guy apprehended outside of Los Angeles. For, surely in that case, there is a more direct line to his vitriol encouraging violent attacks.


Please accept this nice gif I found as a pledge of my continued support!

Well she’s putting a lot of it on YouTube...and getting bashed by a ton of Bernie Bros for supporting Clinton

Well she’s putting a lot of it on YouTube...and getting bashed by a ton of Bernie Bros for supporting Clinton (she’s a comedian, guys, she’s not supposed to be impartial...)

Now playing

She also had a great segment on sexual assault in the military, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and MJIA.

Despite the truly awful situation those men had to endure (with cops involved and prolly suspecting a break-in, that could have been deadly, FFS), that photo and that tweet are everything.

I can’t bring myself to watch this show because it makes me uncomfortable to watch so much weird ass tension, but goddamn, I think I’m missing out this season because this clown is entertaining.