
My mom just texted me to tell me. We have both been Team Hillary from the start. She must be so excited right now.

Please please please please let the screaming “progressive” masses just sit down and start supporting Hillary now.


I don't have work tomorrow and I'm a little drunk so I texted all my Bernie bro friends and broke the news and they are still trying to tell me he has a chance. It's cute.

Please please please please let the screaming “progressive” masses just sit down and start supporting Hillary now. Or at least be honest about why they don’t support her.

I am an independent, and was unable to vote in my state’s caucus. I do not think the super delegate system should be changed by someone who is

“Princess Day” at dance class? My childhood ballet teacher would be horrified at the prospect of the children wearing anything but a leotard and pink tights. And the idea of her students having fun.

Congratulations, we have a wiener!

Dude she just turned 21 in April.

Oh, do they let teens adopt children?

They spelled this asshole’s name wrong in the article! It’s Persky, not Perksy. I just want to make sure that anyone who googles him will get this article, but I’m a lowly grey.

I hope every woman he ever dates, googles him and reads what he said, reads what she said, reads what the MALE eyewitnesses said, and drops him cold. I hope he dies alone with his blow-up doll.

Off the bench, judge.

A gun saved her life from... a gun.

Stacey, I have some good news for you. Even with all of the gun control you are supposedly against, you would still be able to have a gun! I know, it is so exciting. You know who wouldn’t be able to have a gun? Your abusive ex. Double win right there!

Get out! Go! Bad Robert! Bad!

yeh, technically God isn’t an angel

......but Lucifer is

You wouldn’t understand! I bet you support crooked Hillary and Rapin’ Bill. We are going to a CONTESTED CONVENTION and the super delegates will flip. I just donated 27 dollars! Feel the BERN!

If you had waited a little longer, I’m sure The Slot would have posted a Bernie story that would have been a much more appropriate venue for this particular trolling post.
