
You think she can win over Sanders supporters by flipflopping like Trump? Every time she was moved a millimeter to the left (or even just explicitly stated leftist stances she has had for decades), all we hear is that she’s a pandering liar who doesn’t really mean it. Someone was flipping their shit on me earlier

Dont worry, everyone else is also oblivious to Gary Johnson.

Be honest—there’s nothing Clinton could do or say that would persuade you to vote for her.

Bravo on suggesting people volunteer as election judges. I did it for many years, and it was tremendously rewarding. You will help your neighbors vote, oil the gears of democracy, and put honesty into the system. It will also disabuse you of the sillier election conspiracy theories. Call your election board now for

After all that has happened, his tepid response is the one thing to finally make me regret voting for him back in my state’s primary.

i tried really really hard to support Sanders because I felt I *should* because I’m young and hip and liberal and etc etc etc...but I just never could.

I am so fucking done with Bernie. I liked him at first, but then I noticed that every time he’s asked about women’s rights, he says “look at voting record, now let’s get back to Wall Street.” Then I researched his lack of support for gun control. Those are important to me, so I decided I wouldn’t be voting for him but

Soylent Liberal

This is my fear as well. We need to focus on defeating Trump. And right now... we aren’t.

Y’know, I think this is one thing that our overly long primaries cause. If our voting and tallying were quick and swift, we wouldn’t have long protracted battles for various states that go on forever and engender a feeling of desperation among all the voters and thus rage and idiocy.

This campaign year is exhausting me.

“Hey Chris, we got a surprise for you?”

He’s a bully. It doesn’t matter whether he meets his own standards as long as he can make YOU feel like shit for not meeting his standards.

I’m sorry, does Donald Trump consider himself thin? I would never insult him for being pudgy because who cares, but it seems like he thinks he has a conventionally ideal physique, which...

Is it just me or is there a weird political s&m thing going on between these two? There’s all this verbal abuse and then having Christie help him pick his vp has a sort of cuckolding vibe to it.

“... I consider Osama bin Laden as one of the people that I admire. To me, he is in the category of Malcolm X, Che Guevara, Patrice Lumumba, Fidel Castro, all leaders that I admire ... [who] had severe dislike for the US government and those who held power in the US. I think all of them felt the US government and its

Also, Clinton won the NV primary election. Nothing was being stolen from these people. Blame the Sanders ground game for not having its delegates be prepared and follow the rules.

The Today show has been the right kind of fluff for my weekday mornings for a while. But the way they’ve been covering his campaign and giving him so much airtime is infuriating.

I’m going with Abbott. Mainly because I clicked both tweets and went as far down the rabbit hole as I dared, and on Abbott’s feed I saw this: