
I love these racists who surprise you with early-20th-Century racist terms that you forgot existed. Sometimes, they say some shit and you go “I know they’re trying to be racist, but I’m not even sure that word counts!” And then you look it up in your etymological dictionary and—by God—that one was pretty racist for

Rich? Okay.

Wow, she really is entering her Miss Havesham phase, isn’t she? “Look here, Pip: these low-cut Frankie B jeans accompanied me to many a society soirée in days gone by. I was the toast of the ball. Everyone envied me. I danced and danced. I looked so pretty in them. Here! Here’s a photo of me. Do you think I look

I just...the subject was curly hair, and she was trying to prove she has naturally curly hair. She could have used the same damn picture, and just said, “Here is a picture of me in 1971, dressed as a person in 1971, and as you can see, my hair is curly,” and I never even would have been the wiser. Why did she need to

If the timing is correct, that would date this photo around 1971. I can’t really get too bothered at this blackface-lite costume because it was 1971 and people didn’t even know what microaggressions were. I’m more flabbergasted by her willingness to pull this photo out and proudly show the world as if it’s totally

The photograph will involve 100 nude women holding large mirror discs, reflecting the knowledge and wisdom of progressive women and the concept of “Mother Nature” into and onto the convention center, cityscape and horizon of Cleveland focusing the reflected light into the RNC like a kid with a magnifying glass and an

Am I the only one who just straight-up hates the idea of woman as reflection of the earth? That’s some sexist bullshit. Men are intelligent and powerful and build things, women create life and reflect the natural order. I was kinda hoping this would be a pro-reproductive rights statement about how Republicans are

I’m sure the safest thing for a woman to do would be to lay naked on the streets of Cleveland surrounded by Drumpf cultists. Great idea, Artsy McArtGuy!

I like performance art.

Pragmatism is and has always been severely underrated.

My problem with things like this is always the questions: “Who is the target of your message here?”

Ignoring the ramifications of a country flooded with guns should be a hate crime.

I know at least one person who can get behind this legislation.

Saw this at a hotel I stayed at last year, and loved the irony of this "scorching hot take" being posted on a trashcan.

Correct me if I’m wrong but Donald Trump is the one who once described his efforts to avoid getting the clap because of all of his whoring around as his “own personal Vietnam.”

Bill is responsible for his dick. Not Hillary.


These men won’t support Clinton because she “enabled” her husband’s cheating, in favor of supporting Trump, a twice-divorced man who has bragged publicly about his own marital infidelity.

I am so fucking sick of this dumbass, trash election.