
Only in Monadmoney Vally.

He’s such an idiot. He was already at the car when he refused to tow it, so instead of taking the chance of maybe losing money he took the chance of definitely losing money. He already wasted the time and gas to get there (and presumably back). He’s just a downright moron.

Nor, apparently, is it required by Christianity.

C’mon, don’t you remember the parable of the Bad Samaritan??

I always knew god hated socialists.

“And when I got in my truck, you know, I was so proud, because I felt like I finally drew a line in the sand and stood up for what I believed.”

I cannot think of a single person on planet earth less equipped (emotionally, ideologically, on ANY level) to parent girls than Ted Cruz.

I agree, black women need to put ourselves first. We’re always trying to take care and protect black men when they dont do the same for us. im not going to feel bad for a rapist having to go through our racist justice system.

Maybe I’m just naive but the fact that this is the response women get from some university administrations baffles me. We’re brother and sister universities so let it slide?! Oh sure just let your gang rape slide, nbd. Gtfoh with that mess.

It’s time to end using racism as an excuse for black people to coddle and protect black boys and men from consequences when they commit crimes. Justice means a fair investigation and reasonable punishment, not silence from victims and inaction from the authorities.

It’s funny because I have a BernieBro friend who has gone off his rockers on Facebook with the evil Hillary memes, etc. He actually has a hardcore Republican friend who has said he’s voting for Hillary and keeps debunking all of his posts. What kind of alternate reality are we living in?

One of my best friends is a Republican, and I have to admit a little part of me laughs its ass off whenever I see the pained look on her face when confronted with the Trump as her candidate reality. She’s relatively bright and rational, a Massachusetts Republican... fiscally conservative and a bit of a hawk, but

I want to ask my Italian friends how they handled Berlusconi. They have experience with this shit. This has also been humbling. I was idiotic enough to think not even the GOP would nominate this mass of dicks. I was idiotic enough to give republicans some credit because they are Americans and I’m an immigrant and

Me too, I just hope they don't take the rest of us down with them.

I think the party is doing just that. I find Cruz pulling out now highly suspicious.

At this point, yes, Trump will accumulate enough pledged delegates to win the nomination on the first ballot. The only way the GOP can stop him is if they change the delegate voting rules via the rules committee, which meets prior to the convention.

I’ll laugh my ass off if at the RNC, Trump’s acceptance speech is “it’s all yours, Hillary” and then he walks off the stage, out of the hall, and into the sunset as the greatest troll of all time.

I just honestly tried to imagine Trump winning the elections. It’s just the worst nightmare scenario. Not just for the US, but for the world. Would he really be able to do some of the stuff he is saying? Would Congress and Senate be able to stop his idiotic plans? I’m.... worried. Worried that America would rather

[Silent screaming]

I actually had to completely reevaluate a friendship yesterday because I was texting my friend and she literally said “I think trump can do great things for white people and I support him” it genuinely threw me for a loop