
Please. Fame is a pain in the ass, but that doesn’t mean you should just accept the bad parts quietly. Or that you are deserving of this kind of treatment. The existence of assholes is not a justification for their behavior. She deserved better, and this guy is an asshole. He deserved to be called out on it.

Confession: We’re getting too close to the real thing for me to actually enjoy it as much as I used to do.

Wait, I thought we were all starring in an ongoing adaptation of The Handmaid’s Tale?

oh god. how do i feel about this?


Yep. The world needs a collective lesson on gender identity and gender presentation.

Seriously, were this any other circumstance, they would be telling women to cover up more in the restroom because it’s in men’s nature to roam the earth sniffing out vaginas like malnourished hyenas.

Why in the world do they suddenly care about women being assaulted. No one seemed to care when it was a drunk guy trying to grope me in the middle of the street or on the subway or at a concert.

OH WAIT, ITS not about that is it

When I was five my Aunt (who is an idiot, we have confirmed this with studies) told my 8 year old sister and myself that “the best gift we could give our husbands is our virginity.” I wasn’t paying attention to the conversation prior to that sentence (my imaginary friend was talking to me) so I don’t know why she said

I feel you, but this seems like a “don’t make fun of Ann Coulter because she’s a woman, make fun of her because she’s a pathetic excuse for a human being” kind of thing. It’s not about protecting Reagan so much as guarding against hypocrisy. Like, I’m all about a movie making fun of Reagan for non-Alzheimer’s reasons.

That’ll show you for wanting to take the gradual route to progress!!! I was talking to one of my other friends last night and it’s like they just don’t want to cut their nose off to spite their face, they’re cutting their nose off to wake up their leg.

It’s perfectly understandable why Trump hates the Jews. Jews have big noses, big noses mean big fingers. My own fingers are so luxuriously big, when Bernie sees them he wants to break them up. Trump could build a wall around them, and they would still be reaching over that wall to steal jobs.

I also am amused (terrified) by the idea that letting the country go to the extreme right is going to somehow lead to a leftist revolution. Really? You think restricting abortion, deporting minorities, slashing education, propping up Citizens United, further de-regulating Wall Street, starting more wars, and allowing

I agree.

Majority of white men could vote for Trump and I’d still bet against him.

Those young white men ARE affected by those things, of course. But most of them don’t realize it because they’re usually not forced into situations that make them aware of it.

Yep my Bernie supporter friends who are now sharing Jill Stein stuff on my Facebook feed because they believe destroying the country to prove we need a revolution is better than electing Clinton.

The only Sanders supporters who could be wooed over to the right are, presumably, not voting on policy.

As much as I would like to say this won’t happen, it will to some extent. Odds are that Trump will probably get between 10 and 15 percent of Bernie’s voters. If the situation was reversed, Bernie would likely get the same number of Trumpers™.

Change for the sake of change isn’t good. The establishment is a much better option than Trump.