INT: Courtroom
VOICEOVER: She did it as a governor. She did it on the campaign trail. Now she does it as a judge. She’s Sarah Palin, and it’s time once again for her to...
Nolo contedre—my friends and even my detractors!—that’s what it is. Make no mistake, we’d love a verdict that allows for—look! Every American is tired of the liberal—the conservative—the gun-toting redbloodeds, like a Muslim would. The rapid advance of Islamic, call it what it is. That’s why, for a verdict that I have…
Unfortunately, when she read that a pilot will be shot first, she took a shotgun down to the airport with steely determination and got immediately arrested.
Gotcha. I figure in Ted’s case he’ll defeat ISIS by personally offering them free hugs. They’ll instantly disband and flee for the hills. Then he’ll be prosecuted by The Hague for war crimes.
“And we need to execute a coherent campaign to utterly destroy ISIS.”
Here I thought it was an asymmetrical war of attrition, when really the armies of the free world are holding back on ISIS out of political correctness!
The constant calls from Sandernistas that Warren should have run for president or should be chosen as VP frustrate me.
This is all true.
I was thinking about this the other day... Remember how there were like 2-3 generations who were shamed away from the word “feminist”? I feel like with some people... this happened with Hillary Clinton. Not only the vitriol thrown at her but the condescending, “don’t just vote for her because she’s a woman.” which I…
It’s astonishing. Jezebel will be the very last place to support Hillary Clinton.
Hillary is the front running candidate. I wish there was less wanking in some of the comments on this site. This morning I read this, and thought of Gawker/Jezebel.
She can’t offer an opinion, and it’s not fair to ask her to. She as well as anyone knows the nominee will be Hillary, but calling that prematurely would earn her the ire of Bernie supporters, and further galvanize them against Hillary. There would be no point in endorsing, and given that Bernie supporters like her,…
No sighs from me.
Paraphrasing a comment from another poster:
Add making me side with Fox News to the reasons I hate Donald Trump.
Or at least could Jezebel go back to being independent?