
For all that we might disagree with some of their analysis now, We owe those second-wavers so much. Great article, thanks!

Jeez, they’re acting as if going to see the killer whales was THE go-to childhood pastime. Like they’re taking their footballs tablets or their TVs away or something. Chill, old people. Kids are not that into witnessing killer whale suffering, you psychos. They can illegally download a documentary or go watch them in

I like how old people are so sure of their opinions. I can’t wait to get older and not give a shit about how wrong I am.

Saw something similar on STFU, Parents yesterday, with a mom lamenting that her 16 year old daughter had been preparing HER WHOLE LIFE to becoming a trainer at SeaWorld and what were they gonna do now?!??! “Getting rid of fossil fuels and switching to sustainable energy?! But my son has always dreamed of being a coal

She’s super hot. She may not be that hot for an actress, but damnnn if you saw her in person?! Don’t be ridiculous. Also even if she’s an above average rating, the main dude is one of the god honest UGLIEST people I’ve ever seen. Seriously. And not actor-ugly. Real life ugly.

My husband’s mid-life crisis is actually just dealing with his anxiety head on for the first time in his life. He’s physically fit, he’s happy in our marriage and family, and he does good work.

I liked Will Arnett much more when Arrested Development was the only time he played GOB.

Life is hard: work sucks, lovers disappoint, bosses are dicks, offspring lie... why the FUCK do TV execs keep thinking we want to electively spend MORE of our precious free time with jerkwads and charmless A-holes??

the central question it provokes is when, in God’s name, will Hollywood stop making these sorts of films that pedestalize the fuck-up white male and his tragic plight?

The message I got from it was “Sometimes you have to settle for the woman who is physically exactly the cultural ideal.”

Netflix has made some really sucky shows recently. Needs to up its game. Love was a similarly terrible show I thought. Again was another show about early 30s middle class white people who are just awful people.

I’m a little concerned about how many comments seem to be along the lines of “Well he shouldn’t have gone to N. Korea in the first place.” The thought process behind that statement seems to be that if someplace is dangerous, there’s never, ever a legitimate reason to be there.

But what that means is that we are

1) It’s not a open-and-shut matter that he even stole the sign. It is highly possible N. Korea is using him as a pawn to lower sanctions. 2) Perhaps he visited N. Korea in the hopes of making connections with one of the most isolated societies on the planet, who very rarely see foreigners; perhaps he was of the

I think it’s a pretty damned brilliant move by the POTUS.

No one is paying him to steal a sign. He’s being forced to say these things by North Korea.

I feel like Obama must kind of feel the way I feel when I try to get my kids to eat anything. “Okay guys, here. I know you like this. It’s bland, inoffensive, yet substantive and you have definitely eaten something like this before. Now chew and swallow. GODDAMNIT WHY ARE YOU SAYING NO!?!?! YOU’RE JUST TRYING TO BE

I guess it’s high time I publicly said I am not supporting any candidate. Too many misquotes have been flooding the airwaves & I’m done w it

I totally agree. So many people are like “agh this show is awful!” and it’s like “yeah... it’s always been awful. what did you expect?” It’s not like it was some sophisticated art or something. It was a corny family sitcom. Why are we so shocked that the reboot is another corny family sitcom? What were we hoping for?

I’m fine with the Gilmore Girls because it wasn’t resolved properly, the original creator is back and it’s only 4 special episodes.

Full House was always corny. Fuller House is the same corniness with jokes appropriate for modern time.