
Hiddleswift are going to get married just to spite us all, I can feel it.

You can’t buy love though.

Only one. I dated this nerd to make him look cool because I really needed the money to replace the white suede outfit I had borrowed without my mom’s permission.

Now I, on the other hand, can find a story in just about anything. I once went to see a ballet production of Anne of Green Gables. The dancers were all in basic nude-ish looking leotard things, and it was all very modern dance-ish. But I gamely tried to follow the story and sort out which characters the dancers

The senator was vulgar, almost illiterate, a public liar easily detected, and in his ideas almost idiotic…. There was no more overwhelming actor on the stage, in the motion pictures nor even in the pulpit. He would whirl arms, bang tables, glare from mad eyes, vomit Biblical wrath from a gaping mouth; but he would

so, sofia richie is 17, yes?

Woman’s son writes excellent blog!

remarkable male writer, whip-smart really

I’m dying. This was very well done, for a man.

I’ve been a stupid bitch my whole life.

“Master Race”...

Compromise: no one is allowed to talk about their diets, whatever they may be. You may discuss the actual food you are eating at that moment, but only in terms of whether you are enjoying it or not. Also, no posting pictures of your food on any social media unless you are offering it for sale to any takers.

It took me a moment to realize that ‘white’ referred to the background. I was just sitting there looking at the image wondering if I was missing some terrible racial subtext.

I was at her rally yesterday (AND I GOT TO SHAKE HER HAND!!!! I WAS ONLY 15 FEET FROM HER DURING HER SPEECH!!!!! OK, back on point): The vast difference between her rallies and his feels like two completely different countries. There was so much love, laughter, positivity, and diversity. Yeah, there were a few jabs at

In all seriousness though, while I support her, we cannot go around saying “she’s guaranteed to win”. People will stay home, they won’t vote, they’ll become complacent. Remember when the Republicans said “Trump will never become the nominee”? Please people, assume that he’s a razor’s edge away from winning. He might

I pledge to be a full time Hillary Clinton commercial for the next three months.