
I used to use the Hulu ad tailor (“is this ad relevant to you?”) to convince the robot I was different stereotypes, like a college bro or a soccer mom. Still a lot of car commercials, but it did vary somewhat depending on which stereotype was tailoring the ads that week. The best was masquerading as a crotchety old

yeah this is a real shitty take. Did you read the article at all? Even without reading the article, jumping to a conclusion like that is bullshit. Go to hell.

The local media here is alluding that the wife is the killer. If it was the husband, we’d know by now.

True but politics is all about contacts and perception for all the candidates.

“Jumping down my throat”

  • Bill and Hillary Clinton are driving in the country near Hillary’s hometown. They are low on fuel, so Bill stops at a gas station. The man at the gas station comes out and looks into the window.”Hey, Hillary! We used to date in high school, do you remember me?” he asks.They talk merrily for a few minutes. Bill pays,

I actually think that’s fair. She did gain the political currency and recognition. I suspect she would have risen in any field, but taken at face value, your statement holds.

It might be equally unlikely that he would have been president without her. They support each other’s ambitions and like most couples, drive each other’s destinies.

I feel bad for Dave Poulin. I just spent 10 minutes going through his whole portfolio online and, while he’s not a terrible sculptor, he’s pretty terrible at doing faces, or at least eyes. And since nearly every sculpture he does is of a person, that’s an unfortunate shortcoming.

Same. I have never ever sat through an entire televised game of any sport. I find it painfully boring. I have enjoyed going to sporting events (mostly basketball and occasionally hockey, football and baseball are still boring in person), but I’m pretty sure it’s the crowd experience that’s doing it for me more than

I LIKE that Hillary has murdered a lot of people.

I’m not seeing anything on that page that makes him an MRA. His actions with this lawsuit pretty clearly make him an MRA, but it’s just odd that you make the (unnecessary and obvious due to his jerkass actions) statement and then link a page that does not support said statement.

This is the wierd part: Mr. Perry is a professor at University of Michigan-Flint. That’s a branch of University of Michigan, which is a sworn rival of Michigan State University (where the lounge was located). Nobody at MSU actually objected to the lounge.

He actually teaches at a different school.

No, you needn’t have written an essay, but your comments are the definition of black and white thinking. You can play armchair political strategist all you like, but anyone who has actually put effort into learning about Arabic culture or, you know, actually listening to the voices of Middle Eastern peoples is well

So you’re just another worthless asshole somehow pulled out of the grays? Everyone was on board with revenge after 9-11. Maybe your beef is with the actual fucksticks who falsified intelligence to get us involved in that mission creep quagmire in the first place?

And you also never criticized him for it.

Or, maybe, Hillary supporters aren’t talking about the Iraq War because they understand that she, like Trump VP Pence, and a vast majority of Dem and Repub politicians at the time, and he vast majority of Americans polled at the time, supported the war. So it’s a wash, a moot point.

And libretarians are crazy.
And Jill

In an email to Jezebel, Trump campaign spokesperson Jason Miller