
Nope. You can decide to not have a relationship with a parent without it meaning there was abuse. That doesn’t mean the custodial parent did any “poisoning.”

My mom is still a good parent without having to be a cheerleader for my shitty father. She never stopped me from seeing him. The only person who did that was him. Even so, when I was a kid, I loved him. But then I grew up and realized what kind of person he is. The blame for our nonexistent relationship is on him, not

Yeah, no. Forcing a kid or coercing them to visit someone they don't want to see is not good parenting.

When my parents were divorcing my dad wasn’t abusive but he did say really really nasty things about my mom. After telling him several times I didn’t want to talk about my mom and I didn’t want to hear him talk about her either, I came to the realization that he wasn’t going to stop. I stopped seeing him for awhile

My mother really encouraged me to see my father, and I still didn’t. He wasn’t abusing me, he just had stuff going on in his life that was hard for me to deal with and I wanted to hang out with my friends.

Before you were born an ugly, warted old woman sat by the side of the road and asked for help changing a tire. Your parents stopped and changed it for the old woman, kindly. Then, before their very eyes-the old woman began to transform into the most beautiful fairy princess they had ever seen!

You should brie ashamed of yourself.

That’s a gouda idea.

WHAT DID I JUST READ?! Did the fact that the bride KILLED A CHILD make it into a story about her wedding as an aside?!

What a wedding announcement! It takes several paragraphs before it mentions the bride killed someone.

I’m obsesses by the female track and field athletes at the Olympics. OBSESSED. I can’t say anything that everyone doesn’t already know about what incredible athletes they are. They make me feel lazy as fuck and like I’ve only used about 5% of my physical potential. But on a side note, I love that so many of them run

...and on that note, a big welcome to all the commenters fleeing gawker and looking for a new place to hang!

The Slot has regular features on down-ballot candidates, and the commenters there always beat that drum. Join us!

I desperately miss Jon Stewart being a regular part of my life. We joke about him being our TV dad, but for realz, after my actual Dad died, The Daily Show really helped me grieve (Dad and I watched it together, and Jon Stewart reminds me an awful lot of my dad in the politics and values and temperament departments)

“What, did you piss off Peter Thiel?” Stewart jokes, referencing the show’s cancellation. (Who? Unfortunately, I have no contextual understanding of the joke.)

Indeed! It’s not as though Jeb Bush or Ben Carson were particularly spirited opponents considering one obviously didn’t even want to be there, and the other apparently suffers from narcolepsy. Ted Cruz was the scariest thing up on that stage — and I sincerely feel for the various drifters he no doubt lured into his

When it had about half as many responses as now, I’d have disagreed with “the majority.” I figured the people who didn’t get it would be the most vocal, but that the majority would realize it was satire.

That’s some delightful cheese you’ve put on your mousetrap, apparently.

This is the best article ever published by any Gawker Media site.

Stick that tongue in your cheek any harder, Bobby, and it’ll pop right through.